It was dead of winter. A week of twenties and thirties temps had this southern girl moving quickly to get to mom and dad’s door.
In my rush, I almost missed it. But a single rose grabbed my attention. It spoke of hope against all odds. After the prior week’s temperatures, it should have already frozen and drooped by then. Everything else had. But it held on tight, bringing a glimpse of joy and hope to those who would stop long enough to see it.
Hope in a dirty river
We find a man named Naaman in 2 Kings 5. Naaman found hope in a dirty river, but he almost missed it. When the prophet Elisha sent word to wash seven times in the Jordan to heal his leprosy, pride grew in his heart. He left in a rage because the answer he sought did not meet his expectations. Elisha failed to recognize his importance. But pride took a back seat as he listened to his servants and dipped in the Jordan anyway. He was healed.
That simple step changed his perspective. He found hope in a simple act of obedience. He returned to Elisha and gave honor to the God of Israel.
“And he said, ‘Behold, I know that there is no God in all the earth but in Israel’” (2 Kings 5:15 ESV).
If Naaman had not listened to his servants, he would have missed the healing, the blessing God had for him.
Find hope today
Hope discovers meaning in life’s simple experiences.
Has someone sent you a handwritten note? Texted a word of encouragement or a spontaneous word of appreciation? Have you heard a child’s sweet outburst of song? Watched the speck of the sunrise grow on the horizon? Have you experienced a warm hug at just the right time?
What sparks hope in your heart today? Let God encourage you through subtle moments. Embrace the beauty in the ordinary, the simple and the everyday. He’s got an encouraging word woven into everyday experiences. Look for it. And let’s open our hearts to receive it.
Then let’s become a messenger of hope and share what we’ve discovered with someone who might need it too.
I’m glad I stopped to see that rose and take a picture. I hope it reminds you to have eyes to see God, and recognize His glorious presence in everyday moments.