The Great Turkey Heist and God’s Rescue

As Thanksgiving approaches, I’ve smiled at a memory of Thanksgiving Day two years ago. As my family enjoyed our meal, our youngest dog, Duke, must have wanted in on the family fun. At 10 months old he was very active and determined.
In a split second, Duke jumped up, snatched a turkey leg from the counter and darted into the living room. My son and I quickly chased after him, attempting to take the turkey leg away. Have you ever tried to take a leg of turkey from a dog? He was unstoppable. He growled and ran from us. Before long, he had eaten the entire turkey leg. Not one sliver of fat, tendon or bone left.
The dog needed to be rescued from himself. We worried about the bone splintering and causing damage, but were grateful that didn’t happen. He had been known to eat socks, rope and who knows what else without harm.
God’s rescue
Sometimes we need to be rescued from ourselves, too. We may be on a downward spiral, headed to nowhere fast, but God pursues us. He loves us and he wants only our good.
He rescued Peter from his fear and doubt. When Peter lost focus and began to sink into the water, Jesus reached out His hand. (See Matthew 14:22-33.) When Peter denied Jesus, Jesus gave him a second chance to stand up for Him. (See Luke 22:54-62.) And Peter did, playing a leadership role in the early church.
He rescued Zacchaeus from life as a despised fellow Jew who chose riches over human relationships to a man seen by Jesus. That encounter changed Zacchaeus. He made restitution, sought a relationship with God and found the joy of salvation. (See Luke 19:1-10.)
He rescued the thief on the cross when he sought forgiveness. His story reminds us it’s never too late to trust in Jesus. (See Luke 23:32-33, 39-43.)
Sharing gratitude this Thanksgiving
Do you have a Thanksgiving story? One that brings a smile on your face or a warm feeling in your heart. Let’s be grateful for those memories and the God who orchestrated them.
This Thanksgiving let’s be grateful for the one true God who pursues us. For the God who also provides rescue — when we fight for our way, hold a habit too closely or need a hand to lift us from our failure.
A love without end
His goodness extends to all. Even enemies of God also receive the blessings of the world God created and the kindness He extends. He wants to draw more to Him so they can receive and experience His gift of eternal life.
He remains faithful and His love endures forever. There are no boundaries to His greatness. He is worthy of our praise and thanksgiving.
“Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good. His love endures forever. Give thanks to the God of gods. His love endures forever. Give thanks to the Lord of lords: His love endures forever. To Him who alone does great wonders, His love endures forever” (Psalm 136:1-4).