Christmas Joy

A sense of contentment overcame me as my son and I walked around an outdoor Christmas event. I had work to do – a deadline to meet — but said ok when he wanted to go. The thought of him wanting to spend time with me warmed my heart. We took our time, met some people and talked with friends we happened upon. Having him near blessed me.
Time is precious. Priceless.
At Christmas, we want time with our loved ones near. We want our family home for Christmas and feel a loss when they are away or have passed on from this world.
Almighty God
The Old Testament books of 1 Kings and 2 Chronicles tell us that King Solomon built a temple for the Lord. He hired the most skilled craftsmen to create a beautiful and glorious temple that would house the presence of God.
However, it was never meant to be a permanent place for the presence of God, for it cannot be contained.
Prince of Peace
God came near to His creation. The Savior of the world came down wrapped as a baby to live among mankind. His presence stirred hearts and drew people to Him.
Did they realize they were in the very presence of God?
Do we?
The temple built by King Solomon was later destroyed. But God doesn’t dwell in a building. He dwells in His people.
Satan also tried to wipe out God’s presence by destroying Jesus and His influence. But nothing could stop His plan of salvation.
The gift of joy
As we celebrate the season — Jesus’ entrance into the world — let’s remember His nearness. He’s closer than your next breath.
You may have had a challenging year. Or even experienced great loss. Draw near to God. Nothing is better than His nearness. Let His presence wrap you with comfort and peace.
Aren’t you glad God cannot be contained and we can experience His presence right where we are? In sadness, in sickness, in moments of joy. Through disappointments, trials and moments of encouragement, He is near.
Don’t miss that nearness this Christmas. Reach out to God, who loves you! He settled His love right there on the cross. Jesus came down to live among us, His gift to the world. Let’s give him the gift of our whole heart.
As you celebrate the birth of the King, I pray that His presence will be as near as the air you breathe. I pray He will refresh your soul and you will experience His presence and peace this Christmas.
“For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.” Luke 2:11