The Powerful Presence of the Lord

The Powerful Presence of the Lord

Squeal with delight

It was about 57 A.D.

Paul stood before a group of Christians in Troas in the land of Troy. He must have had a lot to say to the followers of Jesus. Quite literally. We don’t know when he began his speech, but he talked, and people listened, until dawn.

I find this story funny and convicting. Did Luke record it with a chuckle as he remembered that night?

 “On the first day of the week we came together to break bread. Paul spoke to the people and, because he intended to leave the next day, kept on talking until midnight. There were many lamps in the upstairs room where we were meeting. Seated in a window was a young man named Eutychus, who was sinking into a deep sleep as Paul talked on and on. When he was sound asleep, he fell to the ground from the third story and was picked up dead. Paul went down, threw himself on the young man and put his arms around him. ‘Don’t be alarmed,’ he said. ‘He’s alive!’ Then he went upstairs again and broke bread and ate. After talking until daylight, he left. The people took the young man home alive and were greatly comforted,” (Acts 20: 7-12 NIV).

Raised from the dead

Imagine this. A young man falls asleep in a window and then falls from the third story to his death. Paul, apparently without losing momentum, walks downstairs and throws himself on the boy, bringing him back to life.

The crowd must have gone from shock to horror to awe and reverence, followed by joy and adoration.

I’m unsure if Paul portrayed God’s presence through his words and tone. However, I feel certain the people listening experienced the powerful presence of the Lord when Paul raised Eutychus from the dead.

God was among them, working and moving within this new family of believers. Paul’s actions taught them more than his words ever could. He did not panic. He did not cry in horror or apologize for the length of his speech. Paul simply demonstrated confidence in the Lord and faith through his actions.

Determined to finish

Nothing could deter Paul from communicating what he wanted the people to hear. He did not seem at all surprised by this event. He didn’t change one thing – except a few minutes away from his speech and food. I think Paul must have demonstrated multitasking before the term came along.  He ate, preached, got distracted and rescued the boy who died on his watch, then went back upstairs and continued preaching and eating.

This early church came for one experience — a meal and Paul’s preaching. They left knowing the presence of God was real. I’m sure that night was forever etched in the memories of those in attendance.

Power in His presence

What are our expectations when we go to church? Do we expect a sermon and a snack? Or do we come expecting to experience the presence of God?

I admit, I have zoned out from time to time. But I want that experience, don’t you?

Jesus has much to say about it. He even had his servants write it down for us on the pages of His Word.

I pray that today we will know God’s powerful presence in our lives. I pray that we will read, absorb His Word, draw closer to Him, and live expecting the miraculous and powerful presence of God.


Don’t know Jesus? You can.

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The Big Picture

The Big Picture

My Christmas gift to you

I entered my destination into the car GPS as we waited for our fast-food breakfast. The guidance surprised me by giving me an alternative to my usual route to a city five hours away. I reasoned there must be some traffic issue that caused the re-route. We began the drive to my son’s soccer game under a brilliant blue sky, crisp against white wispy clouds.

The map guidance directed me north where I thought we should have turned south.

I didn’t trust it so I pulled into a parking lot to get my bearings. My son beside me — oblivious to my internal dilemma — continued staring at his phone.

After I took a moment to expand the map, I saw the bigger picture.

This route took us through twists and turns and stick trees arching over the road in the winter landscape. Only a small part of the route was in view.

One step at a time

The moment I saw the bigger map, God reminded me that He had a bigger picture for me too.

Isn’t that the way with God sometimes? He uses simple tasks or circumstances to speak to us.

We may experience things that don’t seem right, or required to walk a path we don’t understand. Or we could even be oblivious to God’s direction for us.

Our guidance is there. God sees the big picture. His plan is bigger and better than we can imagine.

We will reach our destination, but the road we travel may not be what we expect and there may be twists and turns along the way. And our doubts may delay our progress.

We don’t need to know the big picture right now. I doubt we could handle it if we did.

However, we can trust God’s guidance. We can trust He knows best, even when we can’t see it.

Let’s focus on the daily walk before us and stay on the path He has designed. Let us remain faithful as God in His wisdom works out the big picture for our lives.

We need not see far ahead. Jesus calls us to take one step at a time with Him.

“For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I will know fully just as I also have been fully known,” (1 Corinthians 13:12 NASB1995).



Don’t know Jesus? You can.

It would be my greatest honor to take your hand, introduce you and walk you through how to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, and how to have a personal relationship with Him.

Find out more here.


Finding God

Finding God

My Christmas gift to you

“Mommy, look! There’s Jesus!” my 5-year-old at the time said as he pointed to the sky. Taken aback, I quickly looked out the front window.

Early that morning, I had asked God to reveal Himself to me during the day. Boy did He ever. It was a hot and humid summer afternoon, and my heart skipped a beat at my son’s outburst. He then proceeded to name animals and characters he saw in the clouds as well.

Even so, that was a lesson for me. It had been a crazy, fretful, exhausting week and I desperately wanted to see Jesus in my day. In fact, I often prayed for that. This one got my attention immediately.

The message for me? God was right in front of me all along. It reminded me that I just had to look.

So how do we find God?

A.W. Tozer once said, “Brain power is not the means by which we find God! It is in our dependence on God that we see Him. He graciously and in love revealed Himself to us.” (A.W. Tozer was an American evangelical pastor, speaker, writer and editor.)

Maybe it’s in our desperation that we sense the presence of the Holy Spirit.

Saul found God

Consider the Apostle Paul. Before he was an apostle, destroying Christians consumed him. He went to great lengths to drag them out of their houses and commit them to prison. On his way to do just that in Damascus, Paul, then Saul — the accuser and one with power and control — lost all control and found himself to be the helpless one. (See Acts 9.)

Blinded and lacking vision, Saul was desperate. In that moment, he found Jesus. One of the men he traveled with led him by hand to Damascus. For three days, he waited without sight, food or drink.

Totally dependent on God, he was rescued by one of the very people he came to persecute. God ordained his disciple, Ananias, to restore Saul’s vision.

According to Scripture, after a discussion with the Lord, Ananias obeyed and laid hands on Saul.

Two things happened. Saul regained his sight. He was filled with the Holy Spirit.

In that unforgettable event, Saul found God.

Jesus didn’t fear Saul’s sin. Instead, he took his darkness, miraculously changed him and welcomed him into the kingdom. Saul still had power but this time he went out with the power of the Holy Spirit to bring light to the world.

God is near

Where do you go to experience the power of the Holy Spirit? Do you feel your life (or part of it) is out of control? 

One day we will see Jesus face-to-face. In the meantime, we can live in the power of the Holy Spirit today.

We can find Him

In our waiting.

In our healing.

When our world comes crashing down.

When we’re walking through a fire.

Or fighting a battle.

Wherever we go, He is beside us. Every moment of the day, He is near.

He is at work in every detail, even in the smallest details of our lives.

“But Jesus replied, “’My Father is always working, and so am I,’” (John 5:17 NLT).

My busyness has often blinded me from recognizing Jesus in my day. The truth is He can show up whenever and wherever, even in a young boy’s imagination.





Don’t know Jesus? You can.

It would be my greatest honor to take your hand, introduce you and walk you through how to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, and how to have a personal relationship with Him.

Find out more here.


What’s in a Name?

What’s in a Name?

My Christmas gift to you

He called him Precious. Until the day he went to be with Jesus, he called his 6-foot, 13-year-old son Precious. Whether at bedtime, on the football field or basketball court, that name belonged to my now 21-year-old.

Words of endearment stir our hearts and, in our case, give us reason for a chuckle or two. I once knew a pastor who called his beautiful blonde wife Yellowhead. Cute. Right? Even today, the server at Sonic randomly called me “lovebug” as she handed me my order!

My mom called my sons “Sweet Angel.” Of course, one son questioned that name. “Why does she call me that? I’m not sweet and I’m not an angel!”

Affectionate names can even inspire proud moments, lift our spirits and reinforce our value.

Do you have a word for someone special? Or maybe a secret handshake between you and someone else? (My husband had one with our boys.) Maybe you share a heartfelt look with a friend or family member that communicates a message that mere words cannot.

What a beautiful name

The Bible tells us God has special words for believers too. Let’s look at a few, letting them soak in. Let them cover you with His peace and love and encourage your spirit.


“The Lord appeared to us in the past, saying: “I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.” (Jeremiah 31:3 NIV)

Chosen and Royal
“But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.” (1 Peter 2:9 NIV)


“I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.” (John 15:15 NIV)


“‘They shall be Mine,’ says the Lord of hosts, ‘On the day that I make them my jewels. And I will spare them as a man spares his own son who serves him.’” (Malachi 3:17 NKJV)

Masterpiece (God’s Workmanship)

“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” (Ephesians 2:10 NLT)

Joy of Many Generations

“Although you have been forsaken and hated, with no one traveling through, I will make you the everlasting pride and the joy of all generations.” (Isaiah 60:15 NIV)

What a beautiful love

You are all these things to Him and more. So many more. The Bible also tells us that God calls us by name, revealing His personal involvement in our lives, the promise of His presence and His love for us. And that love will never be shaken. In contrast, He sets His heart on us.

“What is man, that you make so much of him, and that you set your heart on him,” (Job 7:17 ESV).

Yes, He sets His heart on us! He has wonderful and beautiful names for us. Let the beauty of these names and the beauty of God’s love refresh and strengthen you today.


Don’t know Jesus? You can.

It would be my greatest honor to take your hand, introduce you and walk you through how to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, and how to have a personal relationship with Him.

Find out more here.


My Christmas Gift to You

My Christmas Gift to You

My Christmas gift to you

A friend of mine once told me she was praying the 5 P’s over me — God’s peace, power, provision, protection and prosperity. I love that!

I have since prayed that prayer often, but I’ve added a couple more – presence and purpose, making it 7 P’s.

I so want to experience God’s presence in my life, in every decision and in every aspect of my day. I want my life to have purpose and want to live out HIS purpose for me.

One Holy Night

One holy night, Christ came down and blessed us with His presence as a babe in a manger. God came down. He left the splendor of Heaven to meet us here on earth. He came to walk beside us. He came to make the world right again.

Today, I’m comforted by this thought. I am NOT alone. HE is with me.

Through darkness and trial, in light and joy, He is with us.

One Holy, Living God

As my gift to you this Christmas, I offer this prayer over you.

I pray you will be blessed by the presence of the Holy, Living God this week. I pray that you will be able to put aside the worries and anxieties of this world and worship the One True God. May you fully experience the presence of Jesus like a warm blanket on a chilly night.

I pray that you will walk in His power and that you will embrace and rest in His peace at this time. I encourage you to see past the expectations of this life and the world we live in to experience the goodness of God. May you see your God-given purpose as clear as the Bethlehem star in the night sky. I pray that you would pursue that purpose without yielding to distractions or stopping at roadblocks.

May you see the provision He’s already provided and be confident in the prosperity that will come. I pray that you will listen to no other voice than the One who tells you that you are loved, you are valuable and you are not alone.

My friend, I pray God’s peace, presence, power and purpose over you. I pray for His protection, provision and prosperity in your life and that you would have the insight to recognize them.



Don’t know Jesus? You can.

It would be my greatest honor to take your hand, introduce you and walk you through how to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, and how to have a personal relationship with Him.

Find out more here.

Uncontainable Power and Love

Uncontainable Power and Love

My mom used to say that when we keep our eyes on others, we’ll always be disappointed. However, if we keep our eyes on Jesus, He will never fail us.

God convicted me on this over the last few days.

In reading a chapter in Jesus and Women by Kristi McLelland, I was reminded how important it is to focus my mind and heart on God.

“When we stare at our lives and glance at God, the troubles and problems in our lives can begin to look huge. If we’re not careful, our problems take up most of the space in our thoughts and consequently govern our hearts and emotions.

When we intentionally focus our minds and hearts on God, our troubles take on their proper perspective. God helps us to see them in light of His generous justice, His generous lifting up in our lives.”

Kristi McLelland, Session Six, Jesus and Women

Where is our focus?

The question is . . . is our focus on God or ourselves?

Many times, we try to fight our battles in our own way – instead of placing focus on Jesus and allowing Him to work.

When the King of Assyria’s field commander camped outside Jerusalem taunting the people of Judah, the people were silent (as they had been commanded by King Hezekiah). After Assyria’s attempts at manipulation, Hezekiah’s ambassadors came to him with torn clothes and the words from Assyria.

As soon as King Hezekiah heard it, he tore his clothes and covered himself with sackcloth and went into the House of the Lord. 2 Kings 19:1

I love that after Hezekiah hears the word from Assyria, he goes to God. He doesn’t respond to the enemy’s threat. His first stop in the middle of his despair is to go to the Lord.

Hezekiah received the letter from the hand of the messengers and read it: and Hezekiah went up to the house of the LORD and spread it before the LORD. And Hezekiah prayed before the LORD. 2 Kings 19: 14-15a (Read the full story in 2 Kings 19)

Praying for help

So what will we do

  • When we’re accused?
  • When we’re ridiculed?
  • When we’re tempted?
  • When we question whether the Lord is enough?

Will we lay it before the Lord and pray for help?

Let’s follow Hezekiah’s lead and go to God first. Let’s place our focus on who God is and His uncontainable power and love.


God completes what He starts

As I have thought on this, I also came across scripture that reminded me that he didn’t start something in me only to fail to finish it.

One of the most familiar verses in scripture, Philippians 1:6, reminds us that God completes what He starts. Jesus didn’t do all He’s done just to leave us alone. His love is beyond comprehension. His power is uncontainable.

God has a word for us. Set our eyes on Him. Place our focus on Him.

I like how bestselling author David Platt says it.

“Don’t lose heart. Don’t give up. Don’t doubt the passion and ability of God to fulfill the plans of God for you and for the world.  – David Platt


being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. Philippians 1:6




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