I woke up to the lyrics of a song playing in my head.
I sought the Lord and he heard and he answered. That’s why I trust Him. That’s why I trust in God my Savior. The one who will never fail. He will never fail. . . He will never fail. . .
Couldn’t get it off my mind. It played over and over while I lay in bed that morning.
So, I went to church and guess what? The praise band sang — yes, that’s right — they sang the very same song.
Then the next day while I was worrying about a situation, that song, Trust in God by Elevation Music, came on the radio at just that moment. Now, it’s a popular song so maybe that doesn’t sound that unusual. But I have spent a week singing those lyrics in my head. They just pop up all the time. Do you think God is trying to tell me something?
He will never fail. He could never fail.
A song of hope
There is another song that has captured my attention. I’ve only heard it once, but it brought me to tears.
Tear Off The Roof by Brandon Lake presents a compelling message. There is power in the presence, power in the blood, power in the name of Jesus.
Have you heard it? Friends tore off a roof and dropped their paralyzed friend into a crowded room to get him to Jesus. (Luke 5:17-26)
What was he thinking as he was being lowered? I think the song probably has it right – just get me to Jesus, I don’t care how, so tear off the roof.
His faith was great. His friends demonstrated faith and went to great lengths to get him in front of Jesus.
Their reward? They saw a life-changing, grave-shaking, dead-raising power in the room.
Yes, there is power in the presence. There is power in the blood. There is power in the name of Jesus.
A journey of hope
Others showed great faith and went to great lengths to see Jesus as well. Strangers from a distant land demonstrated spiritual diligence — and traveled many weary miles — to get to Him.
While a star pronounced His birth, calling people to come and worship, the wise men’s remarkable example of faith honored Christ, even when they had never seen him. They believed in Him even when the Pharisees and Scribes did not.
When they saw the star, they were overjoyed. On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold and of incense and of myrrh. (Matthew 2:10-11 NIV)
Your story of hope
What is your story of hope? In desperation or diligence, have you called on Jesus?
- When your day seems out of control. . . He will never fail.
- When we get the “dreaded news” . . . He will never fail.
- When our loss and pain seem too big to carry, He will never fail.
The paralyzed man’s friends called on Him. The Magi called on Him. We can call on Him and find hope and peace today.
My friend, Jesus is the name of hope, and He will never fail.
Don’t know Jesus? You can.
It would be my greatest honor to take your hand, introduce you and walk you through how to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, and how to have a personal relationship with Him.
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