I know firsthand how much goes into repairing and expanding a concrete driveway because I just had that work done. It takes hours of preparation before a truck even arrives to pour the concrete.
Locations of underground water, gas or any other utilities must be flagged. Digging up dirt, framing the area with boards, breaking up and hauling away any unneeded concrete, and laying down mesh wire for strength and durability must occur first. You get the idea.
Once poured, the wet concrete must be leveled, set and hardened enough to drive on it, which takes about 5 days (at least here in the South).
We may not like the wait, but the prep work guarantees the driveway can bear weight.
Lives well lived
My mother-in-law and father-in-law passed away within seven weeks of each other. As it often does, going through a time of loss reveals what matters most. It highlights the importance of cherishing our loved ones, treasuring the memories and spending quality time with them.
I think my in-laws’ lived in a way that would prepare future generations to live fulfilling and God-centered lives.
- They demonstrated a daily love for and commitment to each other, staying together for 64 years.
- They laughed easily and often, bringing joy into our lives.
- Their love for the Lord and the things of God showed.
God’s preparation for us
Although we grieve, God gives us hope after loss. Through long hospital stays or sudden passing, God comforts the downcast. He gives us the stamina to lift one foot in front of the other and strengthens bonds shared with family and friends. He encourages us through a friend’s visit or a much-needed phone call.
Jesus promises we will see our loved ones again if we have a personal relationship with Him. He promises to prepare a place for us so that someday we will be with Him for eternity. He also prepares us for that place. He’s doing prep work in us now.
- God left His word so we can know what He’s like.
- He refines us, many times through trials and challenges.
- He draws us to Him.
- The Living God gives us the Holy Spirit, His guarantee that we will one day be with Him.
One day His work will be complete, and He’ll be ready for us to move in. In the meantime, Jesus promises to be with us and to one day return so that we may be where He is.
I can’t even comprehend our joy on the day we get to move into our heavenly rooms, however, that moment cannot compare to our joy when we see Jesus face to face.
“In my Father’s house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am,” (John 14:2-3 NIV).
Don’t know Jesus? You can.
It would be my greatest honor to take your hand, introduce you and walk you through how to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, and how to have a personal relationship with Him.
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