Embracing Scars

My son experienced a once-in-a-lifetime adventure this summer. Hiking to the summit of a 12,000-foot mountain in Colorado, he and a few other high school boys celebrated their achievement with excitement and a song.
That exhilaration prompted them to dip themselves in the icy stream alongside their campsite. The upside? The thrill of the experience and the joy of their accomplishment. The downside? My son slipped on a tree lodged 4 feet above the water. As he fell, a branch cut his thigh. He proudly showed me the 3” mark.
I told him rubbing it with vitamin E might keep it from scarring. To my surprise, he preferred the scar. It represented a badge of honor — a reminder of his mountaintop experience. “Every time I see it, I’ll remember that day.”
What our scars tell us
At that time God impressed upon me the significance of our emotional scars. While we may not like the disappointment, the heartbreak, the trial, the grief or the pain that caused the scar, that scar represents a memory or a season in our lives.
Physical scars tell the story of the body’s natural healing process. They could take up to 12-18 months after an injury or surgery to heal and fade. Emotional scars seem to hang on for much longer, like an old habit that’s hard to break.
While our inner wounds remind us of a difficult time in our lives, they can also point us to Jesus and His work through that trial. They can remind us of a fearful season, but also God’s protection through it. Scars may remind us of a time of faithlessness but also demonstrate God’s faithfulness. They can remind us of a time of suffering but also God’s love that got us through it.
Maybe you have physical scars reminding you of some trauma in your life. They could be internal, hidden inside so no one will know. Maybe an unkind word spoken left you with a scar. Or have you suffered from a disease that hinders and impacts your future? Maybe you experienced an unimaginable sorrow or a betrayal from someone you loved and trusted.
What our scars teach us
Scars serve as powerful reminders of our experiences in life and the lessons we learned from them. God sees them all and He’s working in them. That doesn’t mean we bypass the pain, but that we sense the presence of God through it, of the healing He provides in it. In those moments, we can see He was with us all along.
“The Lord replied, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest,’” (Exodus 33:14 NIV).
Be patient with yourself. Let God’s healing take place in your life in His way, in His time. When your scar reminds you of that difficult season, remember the lessons that have shaped you and your God who remained by your side.
“My scars I wear proudly, I want you to see. They are only life lessons that no longer bleed.” ~ April Peerless
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