I confidently walked to my parents’ carport door – something I’ve done thousands of times.
However, a small crack in the concrete sent me flying. It was a leap I had not intended to take. In that split second, I thought, “This is not going to end well.”
After my knees, elbow and hip hit the hard surface, I decided to lay there for a bit before attempting to move. I’m not even sure which area hit first, but they all hurt. I’m pretty sure I landed 6 feet from that crack.
Have you been there? Confident and sure of yourself. On a mission. Then, something stops you in your tracks. Out of nowhere, you’re hit with devastating news. Your plans crushed. Faith shattered.
Or maybe you’ve nailed down your schedule for the day, and you’re eager to check things off your to-do list. Then, one small crack takes you in a completely different direction. Or a sliver of doubt lets in all kinds of negative thoughts.
A bold mission
Those cracks in our lives can take on many forms.
I imagine Jairus, a ruler in the synagogue, never thought he’d see his young daughter at the point of death. But when we find him in scripture, he was on a mission to find hope and healing.
We don’t know all the details, but here’s what we do know — his confidence was in Jesus.
Mark 5:21-43 tells us in desperation he broke through a great crowd by the sea to beg Jesus to heal her. He demonstrated great faith, saying “come and lay your hands on her that she may be made well and live.”
In his wilderness season, Jairus cried out to the only one who could save her.
He did not know what Jesus would do that day, but he put his faith and trust in Him.
However, as Jesus walked toward Jairus’ home, the worst happened. Someone from his house came with the devastating news — his daughter had died.
In that moment, did Jairus’ mind jump from hope to despair? Did the news stop him in his tracks? Did it paralyze him with fear?
We don’t know, but Jesus overheard those who came with the news and said to Jairus, “Do not fear. Only believe.”
Jairus got to see the miracle-working power of Jesus. As did many others that day by the sea and in Jairus’ home.
Battle scars
I have a few scars from that fall a few weeks ago, but I did recover. And thank goodness I can laugh about it.
Sometimes I even think I need a keeper.
I do have one and He’s the one right by my side when I fall. When I doubt. When I make a mistake. When life doesn’t turn out how I planned it.
These “cracks” have also taught me that you can recover from the twists and turns of life . . . from pain and loss to live an abundant life of joy that is grounded in the Lord Jesus Christ.
No matter what happens in our lives, there is one constant. Jesus Christ is the Truth and through Him, we can not only survive what’s going on in our lives, but we can also learn to thrive again.
You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy, that my heart may sing your praises and not be silent. LORD, my God, I will praise you forever. Psalm 30:11-12