Truth Is

Truth Is

Squeal with delight

A line in the book Truth Changes Everything by Dr. Jeff Myers resonates with me.

What we believe in the pain is what we really believe.

The timeframe Myers mentions took place during the Bubonic plague in the late Middle Ages. Historians estimate that 75-200 million people died in that pandemic. The survivors had lost mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters and friends. Instead of giving up, the survivors rediscovered this ancient biblical truth.

Truth is a living, breathing person – Jesus Christ.

“At the moment when they might have turned away from God, the people of the Late Middle Ages turned toward him,” Myers explains. “They might have sensed that God was far away. Instead, they came to believe that He was right there, suffering with them. They believed in God even when their experiences told them that all hope had been lost.”

What is truth?

Times of pain test our beliefs.

In my deepest pain, I had to decide whether I trusted God or not. I had to decide if what I knew in my head was what I believed in my heart. I had to trust He was who He said He was and what He said was true. At that pivotal point, I told God I would praise Him no matter what happened.

I don’t know or pretend to understand many things. But I have learned that when God seems far away, that couldn’t be farther from the truth.

The truth is . . .

  • There is HOPE when we put our faith and trust in Jesus. He goes through what we go through. He’s right there, walking through the fire with us. That hope extends beyond the challenges and trials of life. His power can turn our sorrow and pain into hope and joy.

John 15:11 tells us “These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may remain in you and that your joy may be full.”

  • There is PEACE when we put our faith and trust in Jesus. Difficult times often show us that God is near. Peace can be found in that nearness. Worry steals our peace. When we release our fears and worries to Him (And leave them there!), He provides peace. He can be trusted to work on our behalf. Peace comes from trusting Him.
  • There is PURPOSE when we put our faith and trust in Jesus. God has a plan for our lives. Someone once told me she was glad God had given me a purpose for my pain. I can assure you that the pain of loss eases over time. I have learned you can get through it with Jesus by your side.

The depth of our faith

God created us with gifts, talents and passions that he wants us to use to bring Him glory. I believe that although we may walk through a season of pain or difficulty, God still has more to accomplish with our lives. He has more joy for us to experience, more dreams to come true and more life to live.

What we believe in the pain shapes how we navigate through it and determines the depth of our faith in God.

We live in a time where people, especially the young, need to be influenced for morals and truth. As we walk through the chaos and uncertainty of this world, we can count on God’s nearness and rest in the truth of His Word. He is the ultimate author of truth.

Anything that is true points back to the source of all truth — God Himself.

“Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me,” (John 14:6 NIV).

No matter what happens in our lives, one constant remains. Jesus Christ is the Truth and through Him, we can find hope. We can find peace. And we can find purpose.

Does God seem far away? Seek the truth. Seek Jesus. You can trust Him.


Don’t know Jesus? You can.

It would be my greatest honor to take your hand, introduce you and walk you through how to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, and how to have a personal relationship with Him.

Find out more here.


Prep Work

Prep Work

Squeal with delight

I know firsthand how much goes into repairing and expanding a concrete driveway because I just had that work done. It takes hours of preparation before a truck even arrives to pour the concrete.

Locations of underground water, gas or any other utilities must be flagged. Digging up dirt, framing the area with boards, breaking up and hauling away any unneeded concrete, and laying down mesh wire for strength and durability must occur first. You get the idea.

Once poured, the wet concrete must be leveled, set and hardened enough to drive on it, which takes about 5 days (at least here in the South).

We may not like the wait, but the prep work guarantees the driveway can bear weight.

Lives well lived

My mother-in-law and father-in-law passed away within seven weeks of each other. As it often does, going through a time of loss reveals what matters most. It highlights the importance of cherishing our loved ones, treasuring the memories and spending quality time with them.

I think my in-laws’ lived in a way that would prepare future generations to live fulfilling and God-centered lives.

  • They demonstrated a daily love for and commitment to each other, staying together for 64 years.
  • They laughed easily and often, bringing joy into our lives.
  • Their love for the Lord and the things of God showed.

God’s preparation for us

Although we grieve, God gives us hope after loss. Through long hospital stays or sudden passing, God comforts the downcast. He gives us the stamina to lift one foot in front of the other and strengthens bonds shared with family and friends. He encourages us through a friend’s visit or a much-needed phone call.

Jesus promises we will see our loved ones again if we have a personal relationship with Him. He promises to prepare a place for us so that someday we will be with Him for eternity. He also prepares us for that place. He’s doing prep work in us now.

  • God left His word so we can know what He’s like.
  • He refines us, many times through trials and challenges.
  • He draws us to Him.
  • The Living God gives us the Holy Spirit, His guarantee that we will one day be with Him.

One day His work will be complete, and He’ll be ready for us to move in. In the meantime, Jesus promises to be with us and to one day return so that we may be where He is.

I can’t even comprehend our joy on the day we get to move into our heavenly rooms, however, that moment cannot compare to our joy when we see Jesus face to face.

“In my Father’s house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am,” (John 14:2-3 NIV).



Don’t know Jesus? You can.

It would be my greatest honor to take your hand, introduce you and walk you through how to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, and how to have a personal relationship with Him.

Find out more here.


What Are You Afraid of?

What Are You Afraid of?

My Christmas gift to you

The forecast called for fierce winds. I had dropped my boys off with my parents so they could watch them while I was 5 minutes away at a Bible study. We ended early so that everyone could get home before the storm hit. I got to their house and quickly grabbed the boys, essentially throwing them in the car. They were 11, 8 and 6 years old.

As I parked in the driveway, I was concerned a tree branch blowing wildly in the wind was going to snap and fall on my car. The timing couldn’t have been worse. At a young age, Garrett had become terrified of storms, and we had a 10-minute drive home in wind and rain.

Halfway home, I looked in the back seat and realized he was holding his breath. I told him to breathe. Take deep breaths and breathe. My oldest, Connor, dryly said, “Somebody needs to give him a paper bag.”

When we got home, I pulled up the weather app and showed Garrett where the storm was on the radar. The worst of the storm had passed while we were driving.

That reassurance helped him move past the fear and accept he was going to be ok. He finally calmed.

Two stories of faith

Matthew 8 includes two stories of faith (or lack thereof) early in Jesus’ ministry.  When Jesus entered Capernaum, a centurion sought him out to heal his servant who was paralyzed and suffering at home.

Jesus offered to go to the servant. But the centurion said there was no need to come but to just say the word and his servant would be healed. (See Matthew 8:5-13.)

Amazed, Jesus applauded his faith, saying

“Truly, I tell you, with no one in Israel have I found such faith,” (Matt 8:10 ESV).

On another day, Jesus and his disciples were in a boat traveling to the other side of the sea. While Jesus took a nap, a great storm appeared, and a deluge of rain hit. In their fear, the disciples awakened Jesus asking Him to save them. (See Matthew 8:23-27.)

Jesus’ reaction?

“Why are you afraid, O you of little faith?” (Matt 8:26 ESV).

He then got up and rebuked the winds and the sea. And everything was calm.

Jesus could have calmed that first angry wave and stilled that first gust of wind. But He didn’t and look at the lesson they learned. These ordinary men witnessed an extraordinary event that changed their lives and helped them move past their fear. The wind calmed, but they also experienced awe and a strengthening of their faith. After that day, they must have known there was nothing Jesus couldn’t do.

With renewed confidence, they would then walk and talk and share their stories without fear. They taught, preached and healed with boldness.

Strengthen your faith

What are you afraid of? Can you put your fear aside, recognizing that Jesus is in the boat with you and has the power to calm your storm? He knows you. He knows your weakness and your fears. Your hopes and dreams.

He is with you when you need healing, courage, confidence or protection from the storm.

Let His presence strengthen your faith and bring you life, hope and power.


Don’t know Jesus? You can.

It would be my greatest honor to take your hand, introduce you and walk you through how to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, and how to have a personal relationship with Him.

Find out more here.


The Name of Hope

The Name of Hope

I woke up to the lyrics of a song playing in my head.

I sought the Lord and he heard and he answered. That’s why I trust Him. That’s why I trust in God my Savior. The one who will never fail. He will never fail. . .  He will never fail. . .

Couldn’t get it off my mind. It played over and over while I lay in bed that morning.

So, I went to church and guess what? The praise band sang — yes, that’s right — they sang the very same song.

Then the next day while I was worrying about a situation, that song, Trust in God by Elevation Music, came on the radio at just that moment. Now, it’s a popular song so maybe that doesn’t sound that unusual. But I have spent a week singing those lyrics in my head. They just pop up all the time.  Do you think God is trying to tell me something?

He will never fail. He could never fail.

A song of hope

There is another song that has captured my attention. I’ve only heard it once, but it brought me to tears.

Tear Off The Roof by Brandon Lake presents a compelling message. There is power in the presence, power in the blood, power in the name of Jesus.

Have you heard it? Friends tore off a roof and dropped their paralyzed friend into a crowded room to get him to Jesus. (Luke 5:17-26)

What was he thinking as he was being lowered? I think the song probably has it right – just get me to Jesus, I don’t care how, so tear off the roof.

His faith was great. His friends demonstrated faith and went to great lengths to get him in front of Jesus.

Their reward? They saw a life-changing, grave-shaking, dead-raising power in the room.

Yes, there is power in the presence. There is power in the blood. There is power in the name of Jesus.

A journey of hope

Others showed great faith and went to great lengths to see Jesus as well. Strangers from a distant land demonstrated spiritual diligence — and traveled many weary miles — to get to Him.

While a star pronounced His birth, calling people to come and worship, the wise men’s remarkable example of faith honored Christ, even when they had never seen him. They believed in Him even when the Pharisees and Scribes did not.

When they saw the star, they were overjoyed. On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold and of incense and of myrrh. (Matthew 2:10-11 NIV)

Your story of hope

What is your story of hope? In desperation or diligence, have you called on Jesus?

  • When your day seems out of control. . . He will never fail.
  • When we get the “dreaded news” . . . He will never fail.
  • When our loss and pain seem too big to carry, He will never fail.

The paralyzed man’s friends called on Him. The Magi called on Him. We can call on Him and find hope and peace today.

My friend, Jesus is the name of hope, and He will never fail.



Don’t know Jesus? You can.

It would be my greatest honor to take your hand, introduce you and walk you through how to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, and how to have a personal relationship with Him.

Find out more here.


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A Crack in the Concrete

A Crack in the Concrete

I confidently walked to my parents’ carport door – something I’ve done thousands of times.

However, a small crack in the concrete sent me flying. It was a leap I had not intended to take. In that split second, I thought, “This is not going to end well.”

After my knees, elbow and hip hit the hard surface, I decided to lay there for a bit before attempting to move. I’m not even sure which area hit first, but they all hurt. I’m pretty sure I landed 6 feet from that crack.

Have you been there? Confident and sure of yourself. On a mission. Then, something stops you in your tracks. Out of nowhere, you’re hit with devastating news. Your plans crushed. Faith shattered.

Or maybe you’ve nailed down your schedule for the day, and you’re eager to check things off your to-do list. Then, one small crack takes you in a completely different direction. Or a sliver of doubt lets in all kinds of negative thoughts.

A bold mission

Those cracks in our lives can take on many forms.

I imagine Jairus, a ruler in the synagogue, never thought he’d see his young daughter at the point of death. But when we find him in scripture, he was on a mission to find hope and healing.

We don’t know all the details, but here’s what we do know — his confidence was in Jesus.

Mark 5:21-43 tells us in desperation he broke through a great crowd by the sea to beg Jesus to heal her. He demonstrated great faith, saying “come and lay your hands on her that she may be made well and live.”

In his wilderness season, Jairus cried out to the only one who could save her.

He did not know what Jesus would do that day, but he put his faith and trust in Him.

However, as Jesus walked toward Jairus’ home, the worst happened. Someone from his house came with the devastating news — his daughter had died.

In that moment, did Jairus’ mind jump from hope to despair? Did the news stop him in his tracks? Did it paralyze him with fear?

We don’t know, but Jesus overheard those who came with the news and said to Jairus, “Do not fear. Only believe.”

Jairus got to see the miracle-working power of Jesus. As did many others that day by the sea and in Jairus’ home.

Battle scars

I have a few scars from that fall a few weeks ago, but I did recover. And thank goodness I can laugh about it.

Sometimes I even think I need a keeper.


I do have one and He’s the one right by my side when I fall. When I doubt. When I make a mistake. When life doesn’t turn out how I planned it.

These “cracks” have also taught me that you can recover from the twists and turns of life . . . from pain and loss to live an abundant life of joy that is grounded in the Lord Jesus Christ.

No matter what happens in our lives, there is one constant. Jesus Christ is the Truth and through Him, we can not only survive what’s going on in our lives, but we can also learn to thrive again.

You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy, that my heart may sing your praises and not be silent. LORD, my God, I will praise you forever. Psalm 30:11-12


A Bump in the Road

A Bump in the Road

Sometimes things don’t turn out as you plan. No real secret there, right?

As my son loaded up a bed frame to take to his first “home away from home” at college, he casually said the frame was secure in the back of the pickup.

However, at the first significant bump in the road, that frame sailed out of the truck and into the middle of the interstate.

Since I was a few miles ahead of him, he called with the news, to which I cried out to God, “Lord, not something else!”

Not knowing what else to do, he kept driving, seeing cars swerving in the lanes behind him.

The other drivers must have been stunned to see the cloth and metal frame flying toward them. Fortunately, someone stopped and moved the obstruction to the side of the road, and no one was injured in the ordeal.


Bumps can surprise us.

Have you had a bump in the road recently? Have things not gone as planned? It seems I’ve had quite a few lately — too many to count!

What is your bump in the road?

  • Was it your dream that went flying out the window?
  • Was it a dreaded call that came?
  • Was it a careless, hurtful word that left you a wreck?
  • Was it a sinful act sent your life spiraling out of control.


Bumps can change us.

Consider the woman in the Bible who was caught in adultery (John 7:53 – 8:11). She didn’t plan on being caught, but when the Pharisees showed up, she knew her life would change. In fact, she could have thought her life would end that day.

But that “bump” introduced her to Jesus, who stood beside her, offered no condemnation and told her to sin no more. That one act changed her life.

The bumps I’ve experienced have changed, shaped and even sharpened me – so much so that I am a different person. When I thought I was done, Jesus picked me up, and gave me a firm foundation, hope for a better tomorrow and the will to keep going.

Jesus stood by my side and in the gap for me and remained by my side until I was no longer the same.


Bumps can be used for good.

I encourage you to look at your bump in the road differently. Maybe it will project you into a new phase in life. Perhaps it will remind you of what God has already done in your life. Or it could possibly serve as a wake-up call to fulfill the purpose God has for you.

I wish I knew the rest of that woman’s story. Did she go back and pick up the pieces? Did she repent from her lifestyle and follow Jesus? Did she tell others of the mercy, grace, forgiveness and new life extended to her?

My nephew and son went back to get that bedframe. It was torn and scarred from the impact and being dragged across the concrete, but it was still strong enough to do what it was designed to do.

We may not be hauled to a makeshift trial on a dusty, brick-paved road, however, we’ll likely be scarred and bruised from the impact of our bump.

Even so, we can still be used for good. With Jesus by our side, we have the strength to do what God designed us to do.

Take that bump — that lesson — and let it be used for good.
