Christmas Joy

Christmas Joy

Christmas Joy

A sense of contentment overcame me as my son and I walked around an outdoor Christmas event. I had work to do – a deadline to meet — but said ok when he wanted to go. The thought of him wanting to spend time with me warmed my heart. We took our time, met some people and talked with friends we happened upon. Having him near blessed me.

Time is precious. Priceless.

At Christmas, we want time with our loved ones near. We want our family home for Christmas and feel a loss when they are away or have passed on from this world.

Almighty God

The Old Testament books of 1 Kings and 2 Chronicles tell us that King Solomon built a temple for the Lord. He hired the most skilled craftsmen to create a beautiful and glorious temple that would house the presence of God.

However, it was never meant to be a permanent place for the presence of God, for it cannot be contained.

Prince of Peace

God came near to His creation. The Savior of the world came down wrapped as a baby to live among mankind. His presence stirred hearts and drew people to Him.

Did they realize they were in the very presence of God?

Do we?

The temple built by King Solomon was later destroyed. But God doesn’t dwell in a building. He dwells in His people.

Satan also tried to wipe out God’s presence by destroying Jesus and His influence. But nothing could stop His plan of salvation.

The gift of joy

As we celebrate the season — Jesus’ entrance into the world — let’s remember His nearness. He’s closer than your next breath.

You may have had a challenging year. Or even experienced great loss. Draw near to God. Nothing is better than His nearness. Let His presence wrap you with comfort and peace. 

Aren’t you glad God cannot be contained and we can experience His presence right where we are? In sadness, in sickness, in moments of joy. Through disappointments, trials and moments of encouragement, He is near.

Don’t miss that nearness this Christmas. Reach out to God, who loves you! He settled His love right there on the cross. Jesus came down to live among us, His gift to the world. Let’s give him the gift of our whole heart.

As you celebrate the birth of the King, I pray that His presence will be as near as the air you breathe. I pray He will refresh your soul and you will experience His presence and peace this Christmas.

“For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.” Luke 2:11


Don’t know Jesus? You can.
It would be my greatest honor to take your hand, introduce you and walk you through how to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, and how to have a personal relationship with Him. Find out more here.
From Grief to Restoration

From Grief to Restoration

Knowing God

A former pastor smiled and shared an observation with me. “Your face is like an open book. I can read it and know exactly what you’re thinking.” He meant it in fun, but that comment stayed with me.

Have you ever been so moved by an event that it showed? So shaken over a sin that tears flowed like a waterfall? Have you been so deeply affected by unexpected news that you want to do something to help? Nehemiah did.

We meet Nehemiah as an adult serving the Persian royal court as the personal cupbearer to King Artaxerxes. His job was to pour and serve wine to the king and even drink the cup to test it for poison.

Nehemiah had wept aloud when he learned his people, who had survived 70 years of exile in Babylon, were back in Jerusalem and in serious trouble. The city lay in ruins and the gates destroyed. The people likely felt dejected and hopeless. This information stirred something deep inside. He grieved over the condition of his home city.

One day, as Nehemiah performed his duties, the king noticed his sadness. “Why does your face look so sad when you are not ill? This can be nothing but sadness of heart,” (Nehemiah 2:2 NIV).

Upon the king’s request, Nehemiah explained the dire condition of his home. The king asked Nehemiah what he wanted.

Lifting a prayer to God

Before answering, Nehemiah prayed to God. And God put it in his heart to rebuild the city. Nehemiah then boldly asked the king to send him to Jerusalem to rebuild it.

Scripture says that the king not only allowed Nehemiah to go help rebuild the city, but he also granted his request for letters to provide him with safety on his journey.

Nehemiah knew he was being led by God and that God would provide success.

However, receiving the approval and support of the king was only one of the many obstacles he would overcome. He did not let any of them hinder him from helping his people. (See the Book of Nehemiah for all he did while rebuilding the wall.)

Nehemiah grieved but he also championed a path to change their situation. He left the comforts and pleasures of the wealthy Persian empire and took on the mission to go and help his people.

He remained focused, knowing God would complete what He had called him to do.

Leading by example

Nehemiah led by example. He sought the Lord and sought the king’s support. He thought strategically. He used his time and resources. He fostered and modeled courage when facing his enemies. He guided his people with deep compassion. He encouraged them when their strength was declining. He reminded them of how great and awesome their God was, and that God would fight for them.

Because of his encouragement, they began to build the wall. When trials came, they persevered. And in 52 days they accomplished what men before them failed to accomplish in almost a century.

Are we grieved over situations like the devastation brought on by Hurricane Helene or other national disasters? Are we saddened by the attacks on Israel and the many civilians caught in the middle? Are we distressed over the world’s chaos and turmoil or the blatant disregard for God’s word and His standard?

Nehemiah’s visible grief led to restoration. God got the glory. The surrounding nations realized this work had been done with the help of Israel’s God.

Living out God’s calling

What about us? How can we use our skills and resources to bring about restoration and glory to God?

God can use all of us — if we let Him. He uses people in different places in life to do all kinds of work to further his kingdom. From providing restoration to reaching others with the saving grace offered to humankind, He has given us the skills to do what He has called us to do. Our limitations, perceived or otherwise, do not hinder God.

Nehemiah led with passion and a sense of purpose. We can too. Seek His voice amid the chaos. Cultivate a deeper connection with God and serve Him right where you are. Be willing to lead or lend a hand to change things for the better. And while you live out His calling, experience the joy of knowing God’s nearness.

“Do not grieve for the joy of the LORD is your strength,” (Nehemiah 8:10b NIV).


Don’t know Jesus? You can.

It would be my greatest honor to take your hand, introduce you and walk you through how to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, and how to have a personal relationship with Him.

Find out more here.

Embracing Scars

Embracing Scars

Squeal with delight

My son experienced a once-in-a-lifetime adventure this summer. Hiking to the summit of a 12,000-foot mountain in Colorado, he and a few other high school boys celebrated their achievement with excitement and a song.

That exhilaration prompted them to dip themselves in the icy stream alongside their campsite. The upside? The thrill of the experience and the joy of their accomplishment. The downside? My son slipped on a tree lodged 4 feet above the water. As he fell, a branch cut his thigh. He proudly showed me the 3” mark.

I told him rubbing it with vitamin E might keep it from scarring. To my surprise, he preferred the scar. It represented a badge of honor — a reminder of his mountaintop experience. “Every time I see it, I’ll remember that day.”

What our scars tell us

At that time God impressed upon me the significance of our emotional scars. While we may not like the disappointment, the heartbreak, the trial, the grief or the pain that caused the scar, that scar represents a memory or a season in our lives.

Physical scars tell the story of the body’s natural healing process. They could take up to 12-18 months after an injury or surgery to heal and fade. Emotional scars seem to hang on for much longer, like an old habit that’s hard to break.

While our inner wounds remind us of a difficult time in our lives, they can also point us to Jesus and His work through that trial. They can remind us of a fearful season, but also God’s protection through it. Scars may remind us of a time of faithlessness but also demonstrate God’s faithfulness. They can remind us of a time of suffering but also God’s love that got us through it.

Maybe you have physical scars reminding you of some trauma in your life. They could be internal, hidden inside so no one will know. Maybe an unkind word spoken left you with a scar. Or have you suffered from a disease that hinders and impacts your future? Maybe you experienced an unimaginable sorrow or a betrayal from someone you loved and trusted.

What our scars teach us

Scars serve as powerful reminders of our experiences in life and the lessons we learned from them. God sees them all and He’s working in them. That doesn’t mean we bypass the pain, but that we sense the presence of God through it, of the healing He provides in it. In those moments, we can see He was with us all along.

“The Lord replied, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest,’” (Exodus 33:14 NIV).

Be patient with yourself. Let God’s healing take place in your life in His way, in His time. When your scar reminds you of that difficult season, remember the lessons that have shaped you and your God who remained by your side.

“My scars I wear proudly, I want you to see. They are only life lessons that no longer bleed.” ~ April Peerless


Don’t know Jesus? You can.

It would be my greatest honor to take your hand, introduce you and walk you through how to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, and how to have a personal relationship with Him.

Find out more here.

Beauty in the Broken Pieces

Beauty in the Broken Pieces

Squeal with delight

His little feet raced from one shell to another. “Here’s one, mommy.” My son reached to put it in my bucket as we walked down the beach. I explained I wanted pretty shells, whole, not the broken ones.

He quickly told me those shells were pretty, too. “Just because they’re broken doesn’t mean we shouldn’t pick them for our collection.”

In Parker’s eyes, all shells were pretty.

Those simple child-uttered words spoke to me.

Do we sometimes see the broken as unlovely, not worth our time? How often do we search for the unblemished, the perfect relationship, the perfect family, the perfect church, the perfect (you fill in the blank).

The reality? Things break. Life is not perfect. No real surprise there, right?  But if we look, we can find beauty and even restoration in the broken.

God sees our hearts

Jesus saw beauty in the broken. It seems He sought them out.

He saw Mary and Martha. He healed the woman with the seven demons as well as the woman who touched the hem of His garment. Jesus saw Zacchaeus. He even invited another tax collector into His inner band of believers. He had compassion for the crowd of 5,000 who needed food.

Long before he came to live on earth, He saw a broken world and made a plan to rescue it and set things right.

Jesus sees beauty and value in us. He sees through our pain, our struggle and our rebellion. Jesus knows our hearts. He sets things right.

He sees beauty in the broken.

Am I still looking for the perfect shell? Yes. But God and a little boy reminded me there is beauty even in the broken pieces.

“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble at its swelling,” (Psalm 46:1-3 ESV).


Don’t know Jesus? You can.

It would be my greatest honor to take your hand, introduce you and walk you through how to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, and how to have a personal relationship with Him.

Find out more here.

Rush of Emotion

Rush of Emotion

As I sat waiting for the start of my son’s college basketball game, where he is a manager for the team, unwelcome tears sprang to my eyes.

Nothing had happened that day to prompt this emotional outbreak. As I sat in the stadium alone, a rush of emotions took over.

I thought about how my late husband would have been so proud of the young man our son had become. And then my mind traveled back to all the events, decisions and milestones he had missed with us.

In the noise of the game’s beginning activities, I sat missing him.

Even after many years, grief can surface without a moment’s notice. And especially around the holiday season.

Have you experienced this uninvited emotion? How are we to maneuver through it?

Two things come to mind. 1) Find things to be grateful for and 2) Focus on Jesus, who is always by our side.


Be grateful

In big things or in small, remember the people, the events, and the circumstances that have blessed and encouraged you. Remember your loved ones in Heaven and reflect on what they meant to you while they were here on earth. Journaling your thoughts can be a source of comfort and give perspective.

The Bible has much to say about gratitude. Here are just a few verses pointing us to praise and thanksgiving.

Giving thanks takes the focus off us and gives us room to focus on Jesus.


Focus on Jesus

  • In our sadness,
  • In our heartaches,
  • In our battles,
  • In our restlessness,
  • In our moments of decision,
  • In our skepticism and suspicion,
  • In our moments of disobedience, and
  • When we are faithful and when we’re not,

Our sovereign Lord is there.


Surrounded by God’s presence

No one physically sat beside me at that game. In fact, the crowd was sparse the day before a holiday. The emotional moment of sadness passed. I don’t know why they pop up like they do, but one thing I know.

My God’s presence surrounds me no matter where I am or what happens in my day, in my week or in my life. We can place confidence and assurance in God who is near.

How have you seen God in a particular season in your life, and felt His presence? Share it with someone today. Your experience might encourage someone else and be just the thing to get them through their day.

You made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures in your right hand. Psalm 16:11



Don’t know Jesus? You can.

It would be my greatest honor to take your hand, introduce you and walk you through how to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, and how to have a personal relationship with Him.

Find out more here.


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Ordinary People

Ordinary People

As King David stays hidden from his son Absalom, two men risk their lives to report to David Absalom’s plan to take over the kingdom. (2 Samuel 17:17-21)

Because they had been seen leaving the city, a man in Bahurim allowed these messengers to hide in his well. His wife placed a blanket and grain over it to stow them away from their pursuers. She then sent Absalom’s men in a different direction.

Available and willing

We don’t know much about this couple other than these few scriptures. They were likely just two ordinary people God used for a moment in time to protect his anointed. Did they sense that they were part of a bigger picture?

When they got the news David’s messengers needed a hiding place, did they “push through” their fear of possible punishment? I can imagine the wife’s rush to fling the blanket over the well in time. Did her heart race as she pointed the pursuers in the opposite direction?

One thing seems clear. They were available and willing, and God used them to protect His messengers and David.

Abide in the Word

I attended a women’s conference this past weekend — Abide in the Word — hosted by The Vine of NELA. The words amazing, inspiring and encouraging best describe our eight hours together.

The thought occurred to me that while we all came from different areas, different backgrounds and different churches, we were all just ordinary people with our problems, fears, mistakes and our sorrows. But together, as we stood singing and praising the Father, the presence of God filled the room and amazing things happened in our hearts.

We each fulfilled various tasks and responsibilities from listening, lifting a hand, putting an arm around a sister in support, organizing, praying, speaking and singing  . . . and making sure there was plenty of coffee. 

The two from Bahurim played a role in protecting David. What about us? Our lives may seem ordinary in our own eyes, but God can use us — He wants to use us — to accomplish His purpose and His plan.

Let’s be available and willing to answer the call, and to complete the task . . . no matter how large or small, or daunting.

Seek the Lord. Trust His Word. Ask Him to draw you close and teach you to abide.


Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:31-32 (NKJV)
