Looking Forward in Faith

Looking Forward in Faith

Christmas Joy

I flipped to the first page of my 2024 notebook and read these words.

  • Pray Bold
  • Live Bold
  • Dream Bold!

Hmmm did I do that? In some ways, yes. In other ways, a definite no.

Have you been there? Start with grand plans yet seldom look back to make sure you’re accomplishing that goal or dream.

Then I read the lyrics to the song Voice of Truth by Casting Crowns, another reminder. It inspires me to have the kind of faith that steps out of the boat, stepping out of my comfort zone.

I am tempted to spend my time looking back or just looking within. I am tempted to dwell on past mistakes, missed opportunities or unmet goals. However, I need only lift my eyes to the faithfulness of God.

No other name

How do we do that? Jesus. That is the name by which we conquer. The very name of Jesus lifts us to mountain heights. It brings joy. It rescues. The name of Jesus carries power and brings salvation.

Jesus. Say it often. Claim the power it brings.

God is faithful. He can take care of our past that brought pain, disappointment or sorrow. He can turn it into a life of peace, fulfillment and joy.

Peace in His presence

I encourage you to look forward in faith. To seek His presence and find peace.

I encourage you today to step out in faith. Jesus holds his hand out to take you to the next adventure with Him.

I think I’m going to keep those same words for 2025. Their meaning remains true as much today as the beginning of 2024.

  • Pray Bold
  • Live Bold
  • Dream Bold!

A prayer of encouragement

I pray that you will, too.

I pray that in 2025, we will live intentionally. That we would love well, smile big and laugh more. I pray we will see beauty and seek God’s presence in everything. I pray we will take courage, do what we love and live our life to the full. That we would use our life and words to inspire others to experience a life of joy — a life that comes through faith in Christ. And finally, I hope and pray that we will seek adventure and experience all God has to offer in 2025.

“These things I have spoken to you so that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be made full,” (John 15:11 ESV).


Don’t know Jesus? You can.
It would be my greatest honor to take your hand, introduce you and walk you through how to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, and how to have a personal relationship with Him. Find out more here.
Christmas Joy

Christmas Joy

Christmas Joy

A sense of contentment overcame me as my son and I walked around an outdoor Christmas event. I had work to do – a deadline to meet — but said ok when he wanted to go. The thought of him wanting to spend time with me warmed my heart. We took our time, met some people and talked with friends we happened upon. Having him near blessed me.

Time is precious. Priceless.

At Christmas, we want time with our loved ones near. We want our family home for Christmas and feel a loss when they are away or have passed on from this world.

Almighty God

The Old Testament books of 1 Kings and 2 Chronicles tell us that King Solomon built a temple for the Lord. He hired the most skilled craftsmen to create a beautiful and glorious temple that would house the presence of God.

However, it was never meant to be a permanent place for the presence of God, for it cannot be contained.

Prince of Peace

God came near to His creation. The Savior of the world came down wrapped as a baby to live among mankind. His presence stirred hearts and drew people to Him.

Did they realize they were in the very presence of God?

Do we?

The temple built by King Solomon was later destroyed. But God doesn’t dwell in a building. He dwells in His people.

Satan also tried to wipe out God’s presence by destroying Jesus and His influence. But nothing could stop His plan of salvation.

The gift of joy

As we celebrate the season — Jesus’ entrance into the world — let’s remember His nearness. He’s closer than your next breath.

You may have had a challenging year. Or even experienced great loss. Draw near to God. Nothing is better than His nearness. Let His presence wrap you with comfort and peace. 

Aren’t you glad God cannot be contained and we can experience His presence right where we are? In sadness, in sickness, in moments of joy. Through disappointments, trials and moments of encouragement, He is near.

Don’t miss that nearness this Christmas. Reach out to God, who loves you! He settled His love right there on the cross. Jesus came down to live among us, His gift to the world. Let’s give him the gift of our whole heart.

As you celebrate the birth of the King, I pray that His presence will be as near as the air you breathe. I pray He will refresh your soul and you will experience His presence and peace this Christmas.

“For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.” Luke 2:11


Don’t know Jesus? You can.
It would be my greatest honor to take your hand, introduce you and walk you through how to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, and how to have a personal relationship with Him. Find out more here.
Knowing God

Knowing God

Knowing God

We witnessed the magnificent view from a distance. Experiencing it up close was quite a different story.

After viewing Whitewater Falls in North Carolina from a lookout point, my sons and I took a side trail to the top of the waterfall. Halfway there we stopped to read a sign warning us of the danger going forward.

Pressed for time, we almost turned back but decided to keep moving forward. The treacherous path failed to deter us. We made it to the main plateau, step by step, across mud and wet rocks, and even climbing down through a rock cave. Water danced around smaller rocks upstream, surging over the menacing rock cliff downstream.

We squinted to see the lookout point where we had first stopped.

An awe-inspiring sight

If we had turned back along the way, we would have missed the source of the falls. We would have missed the exhilaration of being that close, of seeing a view of awe and wonder, far better than the one from the manmade viewing deck.

As we hiked back to our car, I voiced my thoughts. “There’s got to be a lesson here.”

Words of wisdom flowed out of my 16-year-old. “It’s like going to church but not really knowing God.”

He was right. Like seeing God from a distance or maybe through someone else’s experience, but missing the overflowing love mercy and grace He offers us individually.

We can attend church weekly and only go through the motions. We can even be in God’s presence and not even know it.

We may sing the songs and hear the teaching, but until we know Him, we won’t experience the joy, the awe of being in the presence of a Holy God.

Think on this

“It cannot but be a major tragedy in the life of any man or woman to live in a church from childhood to old age and know nothing more real than some synthetic god compounded of theology and logic, but having no eyes to see, no ears to hear, and no heart to love!” — A. W. Tozer, American Christian pastor, author, magazine editor and spiritual mentor.

We can experience Him though. The Creator of the universe wants to connect with His creation.

As believers, we have access to God the Spirit. He dwells in all believers, going where we go. He sealed us and promised to stay with us always. Why would we choose not to worship Him as the preeminent giver of life?

Being in church is one thing. Being close to God is quite a different experience.

May we no longer be satisfied to know about God. No longer satisfied to watch someone else’s God story. Let’s move beyond seeing God from a distance and find Him in a living, personal experience.

The Lord is full of awe and wonder. Our lives may be messy along the way, but when we know Jesus, we will experience the powerful, transformative and joy-inspiring presence of God.

“When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him?,” (Psalm 8:3-4 ESV).


Don’t know Jesus? You can.

It would be my greatest honor to take your hand, introduce you and walk you through how to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, and how to have a personal relationship with Him.

Find out more here.

Prep Work

Prep Work

Squeal with delight

I know firsthand how much goes into repairing and expanding a concrete driveway because I just had that work done. It takes hours of preparation before a truck even arrives to pour the concrete.

Locations of underground water, gas or any other utilities must be flagged. Digging up dirt, framing the area with boards, breaking up and hauling away any unneeded concrete, and laying down mesh wire for strength and durability must occur first. You get the idea.

Once poured, the wet concrete must be leveled, set and hardened enough to drive on it, which takes about 5 days (at least here in the South).

We may not like the wait, but the prep work guarantees the driveway can bear weight.

Lives well lived

My mother-in-law and father-in-law passed away within seven weeks of each other. As it often does, going through a time of loss reveals what matters most. It highlights the importance of cherishing our loved ones, treasuring the memories and spending quality time with them.

I think my in-laws’ lived in a way that would prepare future generations to live fulfilling and God-centered lives.

  • They demonstrated a daily love for and commitment to each other, staying together for 64 years.
  • They laughed easily and often, bringing joy into our lives.
  • Their love for the Lord and the things of God showed.

God’s preparation for us

Although we grieve, God gives us hope after loss. Through long hospital stays or sudden passing, God comforts the downcast. He gives us the stamina to lift one foot in front of the other and strengthens bonds shared with family and friends. He encourages us through a friend’s visit or a much-needed phone call.

Jesus promises we will see our loved ones again if we have a personal relationship with Him. He promises to prepare a place for us so that someday we will be with Him for eternity. He also prepares us for that place. He’s doing prep work in us now.

  • God left His word so we can know what He’s like.
  • He refines us, many times through trials and challenges.
  • He draws us to Him.
  • The Living God gives us the Holy Spirit, His guarantee that we will one day be with Him.

One day His work will be complete, and He’ll be ready for us to move in. In the meantime, Jesus promises to be with us and to one day return so that we may be where He is.

I can’t even comprehend our joy on the day we get to move into our heavenly rooms, however, that moment cannot compare to our joy when we see Jesus face to face.

“In my Father’s house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am,” (John 14:2-3 NIV).



Don’t know Jesus? You can.

It would be my greatest honor to take your hand, introduce you and walk you through how to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, and how to have a personal relationship with Him.

Find out more here.


The Cross has Spoken

The Cross has Spoken

Squeal with delight

I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me. As I strolled along the Gulf of Mexico, I saw an object beneath the shallow water. The sparkling waves disguised its identity, but the faint outline of a cross grabbed my attention.

I tried to get a closer look. However, the constant lapping of the waves obstructed my view.

The object looked like two wooden beams had washed up and lodged in the sand. . .  in the perfect shape of a cross.

Later, I discovered that the “cross” was simply buried pipes from a condo construction site forming a “T.”

That cross in the water spoke to me, reminding me of Christ’s great sacrifice and of His perfect love. It reminded me that God’s presence is with me no matter where I am.

His cross. Our burdens.

A. W. Tozer explains it in his book Mornings with Tozer (July 14). “The cross represents pure, selfless love in its fullest perfection.”

And that is what it is — a picture of selfless love.

The cross points us to Jesus. The cross bears our burdens. It promises fullness of joy and offers hope for the future. It represents His great love for us. The cross was the plan all along.

The cross speaks volumes.

I love it when God shows up anywhere to remind us of His presence, even through two pipes lodged in the sand. We can put our complete trust in God who reveals himself to us whether in a worship service, driving through traffic in a busy city or strolling down a quiet beach.

I am thankful for the cross.

I pray the cross and Jesus’ resurrection will remind you that in His selfless love, Jesus chose us. He sacrificed for us and today affirms us to the Father. He promises to give His Holy Spirit to those who know Him.

The cross has spoken.

Wishing you and your family blessings this Easter, Patricia

looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God,” (Hebrews 12:2).


Don’t know Jesus? You can.

It would be my greatest honor to take your hand, introduce you and walk you through how to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, and how to have a personal relationship with Him.

Find out more here.


Be Grateful and Press On

Be Grateful and Press On

Squeal with delight

I caught my 6’5”, 240-pound son.

Have you ever seen something about to happen and could do nothing to stop it? I didn’t plan to be the barrier between my son and the floor, but it happened in an instant.

I saw the equipment in the physical therapy room and cautioned my son to be careful as he hobbled by with his crutches.

It was too late. His crutch caught the equipment leg and he lunged toward me. Only two days after his ACL/meniscus surgery, I knew he couldn’t put any weight on that foot.

Between his look of panic and my expression of dread, I braced myself as his chest hit my face like a brick wall. I held tight, shocked yet thankful he was not on the floor.

A moment of gratitude

What could have been devastating turned into a moment of gratitude.

He felt gratitude for me being there to catch him. I was grateful he didn’t damage the recent knee repair or crush me in the process.

Have you been there? Have you escaped something that led to disaster, but God supplied the rescue? Maybe he provided a way out or the encouragement to move forward and press on. You felt a sense of gratitude come over you.

Jesus’ crucifixion must have shocked and unnerved his followers. It must have hit them hard.

When Mary Magdalen and the other women went to the tomb three days later, they expected to find the broken and unrecognizable body of their Lord.

Instead, they found something far greater. Their weeping turned to joy. Fear grew to gratitude. Their despair changed to determination.

Energized to press on

Jesus met them in their time of need and encouraged them, energized them to press on and moved them to go and tell the disciples that He had risen just as He said. (See Matthew 28.)

Jesus champions our walk. He delivers us in our time of need. He catches us when we fall and encourages us to press on toward our goal.

A friend once encouraged me to stop what I was doing and go run. My mind told me I needed to run . . . for my health and my marathon training. Instead, I offered excuses. I had too many things to do so I didn’t want to take the time. Plus, the sky looked overcast with a threat of rain.

But I followed her advice. Not long after I started running, the sun broke out. As I ran, I felt better than I thought I would. I ran better than I thought I would. My outlook changed and I found encouragement to press on and stay in the race.

Commissioned to press on

Isn’t that so much like Him? Like a trusted friend, he encourages us. He loves us. Jesus nudges us to press on and stay in the race. He urges us to remain focused on the task He wants us to do. Whether in sunshine or storm, He stands there waiting to be what we need at that moment.

Jesus’ followers didn’t know it yet, but their race was just beginning. After His instruction and encouragement for 40 days, they went on to spread the gospel with passion and without fear throughout the first-century world.

So be encouraged. Embrace gratitude. Stay focused on your God-given dreams and see the hand of God at work in your life. And should you fall, He’ll be there.


Don’t know Jesus? You can.

It would be my greatest honor to take your hand, introduce you and walk you through how to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, and how to have a personal relationship with Him.

Find out more here.

