The Great Turkey Heist and God’s Rescue

The Great Turkey Heist and God’s Rescue

Knowing God

As Thanksgiving approaches, I’ve smiled at a memory of Thanksgiving Day two years ago. As my family enjoyed our meal, our youngest dog, Duke, must have wanted in on the family fun. At 10 months old he was very active and determined.

In a split second, Duke jumped up, snatched a turkey leg from the counter and darted into the living room. My son and I quickly chased after him, attempting to take the turkey leg away. Have you ever tried to take a leg of turkey from a dog? He was unstoppable. He growled and ran from us. Before long, he had eaten the entire turkey leg. Not one sliver of fat, tendon or bone left.

The dog needed to be rescued from himself. We worried about the bone splintering and causing damage, but were grateful that didn’t happen. He had been known to eat socks, rope and who knows what else without harm.

God’s rescue

Sometimes we need to be rescued from ourselves, too. We may be on a downward spiral, headed to nowhere fast, but God pursues us. He loves us and he wants only our good.

He rescued Peter from his fear and doubt. When Peter lost focus and began to sink into the water, Jesus reached out His hand. (See Matthew 14:22-33.) When Peter denied Jesus, Jesus gave him a second chance to stand up for Him. (See Luke 22:54-62.) And Peter did, playing a leadership role in the early church.

He rescued Zacchaeus from life as a despised fellow Jew who chose riches over human relationships to a man seen by Jesus. That encounter changed Zacchaeus. He made restitution, sought a relationship with God and found the joy of salvation. (See Luke 19:1-10.)

He rescued the thief on the cross when he sought forgiveness. His story reminds us it’s never too late to trust in Jesus. (See Luke 23:32-33, 39-43.)

Sharing gratitude this Thanksgiving

Do you have a Thanksgiving story? One that brings a smile on your face or a warm feeling in your heart. Let’s be grateful for those memories and the God who orchestrated them.

This Thanksgiving let’s be grateful for the one true God who pursues us. For the God who also provides rescue — when we fight for our way, hold a habit too closely or need a hand to lift us from our failure.

A love without end

His goodness extends to all. Even enemies of God also receive the blessings of the world God created and the kindness He extends. He wants to draw more to Him so they can receive and experience His gift of eternal life.

He remains faithful and His love endures forever. There are no boundaries to His greatness. He is worthy of our praise and thanksgiving.

“Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good. His love endures forever. Give thanks to the God of gods. His love endures forever. Give thanks to the Lord of lords: His love endures forever. To Him who alone does great wonders, His love endures forever” (Psalm 136:1-4).


Don’t know Jesus? You can.
It would be my greatest honor to take your hand, introduce you and walk you through how to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, and how to have a personal relationship with Him. Find out more here.
Tending the Garden

Tending the Garden

Knowing God

As our long summer days end, I find myself weeding, trimming and even pulling up plants from my flower beds.

I tried to tend to my garden to keep it healthy by trimming, fertilizing and watering. Many days I found it in a hot mess.

Those potato vines went crazy this year! They grew everywhere, overtaking zinnias and other flowers in the bed, up the porch railing and into the driveway. I cut them back occasionally, but they were a bit overwhelming. Plus, those little flies ate holes in the leaves of my flowering plants!

Some of my garden plants and bushes surprised me. Who knew I had a plum tree that would produce hundreds of plums? And an elderberry bush that I could use for medicinal purposes?

Others brought disappointment. My tomato plants never produced. I blame the potato vines for that. My cucumber plants went wild climbing up a screened-in porch and flowered, to mostly shrivel up later. When I pulled those up, I found four large hidden cucumbers that weren’t edible.

My rose bushes did not disappoint. They were consistent throughout, showing out with bright red, fuchsia and pink blooms. The ginger plants with their big and beautiful white blooms provided a heady aroma on my porch. Both kept my dining room table dressed in color and fragrance.

What a day brings

I think our gardens depict life sometimes. We try to keep healthy by inviting God’s presence into our day, seeking Him and studying His word. Sometimes we still find ourselves in a hot mess.

Some days are just crazy, one setback throwing things off and overwhelming the other areas in our life. Those are the days we need to keep the right perspective . . . and keep ourselves healthy physically, mentally and spiritually.

Sometimes a day takes a surprising turn, and we enjoy the fruits of that, finding joy in the blessings that come our way.

Our personal “life” gardens surprise us and showcase a diversity of people He created to make our lives beautiful and fulfilling.

And let’s just be honest. Some days bring disappointment. What do we do when life seems to spiral out of control? If we are grounded in our faith, we weather those days. When disappointment comes, we can take time with those close to us, investing in others. We can be intentional about our relationships and stop fueling unhealthy relationships – those that bring us down instead of lifting us up and encouraging us.

Thankfully, some days bring about much joy and color to our lives. These serve as a vital part of your life’s garden. What are the activities in your life that give you joy, provide a sense of accomplishment, serve others and make your days fulfilling?

Think of the people in your life — the bright and colorful additions — who can lift your spirits, supporting and encouraging you when you need it. These people are bold enough to speak the truth into your life, who call it like it is.

Preparing for the next season

In the good and bad, the surprising and the steady, we can find joy in our season. Let’s approach this next season with purpose, discipline and endurance.

From the beauty around us to the people God places in our path, be refreshed and let the beautiful garden of our lives refresh others. 

The LORD will surely comfort Zion and will look with compassion on all her ruins; he will make her deserts like Eden, her wastelands like the garden of the LORD. Joy and gladness will be found in her, thanksgiving and the sound of singing,” (Isaiah 51:3 NIV).


Don’t know Jesus? You can.

It would be my greatest honor to take your hand, introduce you and walk you through how to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, and how to have a personal relationship with Him.

Find out more here.

My Christmas Gift to You

My Christmas Gift to You

My Christmas gift to you

A friend of mine once told me she was praying the 5 P’s over me — God’s peace, power, provision, protection and prosperity. I love that!

I have since prayed that prayer often, but I’ve added a couple more – presence and purpose, making it 7 P’s.

I so want to experience God’s presence in my life, in every decision and in every aspect of my day. I want my life to have purpose and want to live out HIS purpose for me.

One Holy Night

One holy night, Christ came down and blessed us with His presence as a babe in a manger. God came down. He left the splendor of Heaven to meet us here on earth. He came to walk beside us. He came to make the world right again.

Today, I’m comforted by this thought. I am NOT alone. HE is with me.

Through darkness and trial, in light and joy, He is with us.

One Holy, Living God

As my gift to you this Christmas, I offer this prayer over you.

I pray you will be blessed by the presence of the Holy, Living God this week. I pray that you will be able to put aside the worries and anxieties of this world and worship the One True God. May you fully experience the presence of Jesus like a warm blanket on a chilly night.

I pray that you will walk in His power and that you will embrace and rest in His peace at this time. I encourage you to see past the expectations of this life and the world we live in to experience the goodness of God. May you see your God-given purpose as clear as the Bethlehem star in the night sky. I pray that you would pursue that purpose without yielding to distractions or stopping at roadblocks.

May you see the provision He’s already provided and be confident in the prosperity that will come. I pray that you will listen to no other voice than the One who tells you that you are loved, you are valuable and you are not alone.

My friend, I pray God’s peace, presence, power and purpose over you. I pray for His protection, provision and prosperity in your life and that you would have the insight to recognize them.



Don’t know Jesus? You can.

It would be my greatest honor to take your hand, introduce you and walk you through how to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, and how to have a personal relationship with Him.

Find out more here.



My 91-year-old dad took off on his scooter to the local grocery store about half a mile from their house. Take a mental picture of this and let yourself smile.

Why? Because he needed some medicine for dizziness that wasn’t available the day before and mom wasn’t there at the time.

So . . . a man who can barely see battling dizziness rode his scooter beside a busy street to get to the remedy he needed. It’s a wonder he made it there at all! It had to have simply been God’s protection. He’s been known to run off the curb before getting to the end of the ramp!

But he was on a mission and determined to get the needed meds.

On a mission

Think for a moment of the story written 2000 years ago where a woman risked everything to seek healing from Jesus. When she heard Jesus was nearby, she tore through the crowds — on a mission — to get healing from the bleeding she’d suffered from for 12 years! She had spent all she had on physicians but not one was able to help her. She only touched the fringe of Jesus’ garment and was instantly healed. Luke 8:43-48

Surely there were many types of people in the crowd that day. With determination, she ran past the onlookers – those who were just there to observe. She ran past those with casual curiosity, as well as those looking to find fault.

But not this woman. She was there for a life change. And that’s what she got. The moment she touched the hem of Jesus’ clothing, she felt His power heal and change her. And He felt that same power leave Him.

A driving force

I want to be that driven to get to Jesus.

The woman plunged into the crowd, found Him, touched His hem and received the blessing — the healing — she sought.

Do we really seek Him? He is not hiding. He’s right here with us, waiting for us. He wants to bless us and He wants us to know how much He loves us.

I gently told my dad, “Now you can’t be riding down to the store like that. It’s not safe,” to which he responded he wouldn’t do it again. But with a look of mischief on his face, he continued . . .  “unless I need something.”

Let’s be driven to get to Jesus. Let’s stay focused as we run past the many distractions that demand our attention and steer us astray.

Seek Him. Know Him. Be changed by Him.

You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:13 (NIV)


Don’t know Jesus? You can.

It would be my greatest honor to take your hand, introduce you and walk you through how to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, and how to have a personal relationship with Him.

Find out more here.


Recognizing the Protection of God

Recognizing the Protection of God

Have you ever felt God’s protection? I did just last week.

Upon taking my car to a repair shop to get an estimate for recent accident damage, the alternator belt came off as I arrived. Not only that, but the brakes went out as a result.

Thinking about my predicament, a key question came to mind. What if my brakes had gone out while I was driving? What would I have done? How would I have navigated that? 

My next thought was one of awe and gratitude. God protected me from harm that day and used that situation to encourage and remind me of His presence and protection.

Daniel’s story also tells of God’s presence and protection. The Jewish prophet served King Darius of Babylon and his successors while also remaining true to the God of Israel.

After being maliciously accused of breaking the king’s law, Daniel was sentenced to spend the night in a den of lions.

The result of faithfulness

At daybreak, the king “went in haste” to the den and cried out in anguish.

“O Daniel, servant of the living God, has your God, whom you serve continually, been able to deliver you from the lions?” Daniel said to the king, “O King, live forever! My God sent his angel and shut the lions’ mouths, and they have not harmed me, because I was found blameless before him; and also before you, O king. I have done no harm.” Daniel 6: 20-22 (NIV)

Here are a few results of Daniel’s faithfulness to the Lord.

  • King Darius wanted to see God save Daniel. Verse 16 tells us that he declared to Daniel, “May your God, whom you serve continually, deliver you!” He had watched Daniel and wanted to see what Daniel’s God would do.
  • Daniel had been a captured young man at the first siege of Jerusalem. Yet he shows us how we can remain true to our faith and honor God in all of our circumstances.
  • Daniel sets the example of how to live a holy life. He prayed and gave thanks to his God regardless of the environment around him. The king even recognized him as a man who served his God continually.
  • The event changed King Darius. Verse 25 tells us that he wrote to all the peoples, nations and languages telling them to tremble and fear before the God of Daniel.

God or coincidence?

Often, we think of situations like mine as coincidences. What if they’re not?

Think about a time when you were spared from harm. Maybe you didn’t recognize it at the time.  But what if it was God’s deliverance?

Let’s try to live in a way that we are always on the lookout for the protection and presence and power of God.

God is in the Details

God is in the Details

The GPS left out some important details.

Driving to Memphis last weekend reminded me of the time the boys and I were driving home from North Mississippi. My GPS took me through a “shortcut,” putting us right in the middle of farm fields.

We ended up on a maze of dirt roads in the Mississippi delta. By the time we got out, we were at least 15 minutes behind our schedule. 

Aren’t you glad our God is a God of details?

In the book of Exodus, He gives very specific information on how to build the tabernacle, among other instructions.

God knows you by name

In Exodus 33:17, God tells Moses, “I know you by name.” That might not surprise you since God called him to deliver Israel out of slavery in Egypt. However, Exodus also tells us that God not only knew Bezalel by name, but He also filled him with the Spirit of God.

and he has filled him with the Spirit of God, with skill, with intelligence, with knowledge, and with all craftsmanship, to devise artistic designs to work in gold and silver and bronze, in cutting stones for setting, and in carving wood, for work in every skilled craft. (Exodus 35:31-33)

The chapter goes on to say God inspired him to teach others.

God provided the detail for the build, plus He also gave the craftsmen the skills and intelligence to do the work.

God provides the roadmap

My friend, when God calls us to do something, He also gives the roadmap AND the abilities necessary to complete the assignment, the task or project. Let’s consider what He did for the Israelite craftsmen.

  • God stirred the hearts of every craftsman He wanted to do the work.
  • He put skill and intelligence into the craftsmen to know how to build the sanctuary exactly like He wanted it.
  • And he provided the resources – over-provided — for them through the contributions of the people of Israel. The material was sufficient to do all the work and more.

Every detail is laid out. Every pillar, molding and curtain. Every ring, pole and vessel.

We need not worry about how we will accomplish the work God has called us to.

I so needed to be reminded of that today. I tend to rely on myself too much, get overwhelmed and end up in a maze of uncertainty.

When what I really need to remember, He will give me exactly what it takes to get to the end of the path He has laid before me. And he’ll do the same for you.

He is in the details.
