Simply Trust

Simply Trust

“Have you tried checking the breaker?” My friend said over the phone.  “No, I answered” as I realized my oversight. While enduring the heat and humidity — and mosquitos — in the outdoor storage room of my son’s college house, we attempted to fix his dryer by repeating the same steps. Take the electrical cord off. Put it on again. And repeat.

The famous one-liner — insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results — summed up our efforts.

Frustrated and out of ideas, I called my electrician friend. Guess what? Once we flipped the breaker, the dryer worked perfectly.

Some things are just that simple. Although the process to get there may be difficult.

Like trust. Jesus asks us simply to trust.

There are many people in the Bible who demonstrated trust and great faith, even in difficult or trying circumstances.

Demonstrating trust and great faith

Moses’ trust in God led him to escort the Israelites to the Promised Land.

Daniel’s complete trust and faith in God equipped him with the strength and confidence to enter the lion’s den and to walk out unscathed.

David’s unshakable faith in God gave him the boldness to challenge a nine-foot giant.

Esther’s trust in God prompted her to risk her life to save her people.

Stephen’s trust in Jesus supplied him with the courage to share his faith and forgive his accusers.

There are many more. We also know friends and family who exemplify trust.

My friend Laurie spent 214 days in and out of several hospitals. At one point, her family was told she would not survive. But while stuck in a hospital during Covid without family and distractions, she met God. And that changed everything. Her newfound trust in the Lord gave her the courage to forgive and find joy and love again. It gave her the confidence to walk away from lies and hate to truth and the goodness of God.

Flipping the electrical breaker

God can be trusted.

It is simple, but sometimes we make it difficult. We certainly live in a time where we need to place our trust in the Lord. Instead, we often put our trust in ourselves, thinking we alone can solve the problem, fix the issue or change the situation.

Do you need to flip the electrical breaker in your life? Do you need to say no to the lies that bog you down? Do you need a measure of trust for that pending decision? Do you need to trust God for an event in your life? Do you need to let go of a solution that’s getting you nowhere?

The answer is simple.

Trust. Let’s do just that and allow the energy and power that comes from the Lord fuel our days and nights.

Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him. Jeremiah 17:7 (NIV)


A Bump in the Road

A Bump in the Road

Sometimes things don’t turn out as you plan. No real secret there, right?

As my son loaded up a bed frame to take to his first “home away from home” at college, he casually said the frame was secure in the back of the pickup.

However, at the first significant bump in the road, that frame sailed out of the truck and into the middle of the interstate.

Since I was a few miles ahead of him, he called with the news, to which I cried out to God, “Lord, not something else!”

Not knowing what else to do, he kept driving, seeing cars swerving in the lanes behind him.

The other drivers must have been stunned to see the cloth and metal frame flying toward them. Fortunately, someone stopped and moved the obstruction to the side of the road, and no one was injured in the ordeal.


Bumps can surprise us.

Have you had a bump in the road recently? Have things not gone as planned? It seems I’ve had quite a few lately — too many to count!

What is your bump in the road?

  • Was it your dream that went flying out the window?
  • Was it a dreaded call that came?
  • Was it a careless, hurtful word that left you a wreck?
  • Was it a sinful act sent your life spiraling out of control.


Bumps can change us.

Consider the woman in the Bible who was caught in adultery (John 7:53 – 8:11). She didn’t plan on being caught, but when the Pharisees showed up, she knew her life would change. In fact, she could have thought her life would end that day.

But that “bump” introduced her to Jesus, who stood beside her, offered no condemnation and told her to sin no more. That one act changed her life.

The bumps I’ve experienced have changed, shaped and even sharpened me – so much so that I am a different person. When I thought I was done, Jesus picked me up, and gave me a firm foundation, hope for a better tomorrow and the will to keep going.

Jesus stood by my side and in the gap for me and remained by my side until I was no longer the same.


Bumps can be used for good.

I encourage you to look at your bump in the road differently. Maybe it will project you into a new phase in life. Perhaps it will remind you of what God has already done in your life. Or it could possibly serve as a wake-up call to fulfill the purpose God has for you.

I wish I knew the rest of that woman’s story. Did she go back and pick up the pieces? Did she repent from her lifestyle and follow Jesus? Did she tell others of the mercy, grace, forgiveness and new life extended to her?

My nephew and son went back to get that bedframe. It was torn and scarred from the impact and being dragged across the concrete, but it was still strong enough to do what it was designed to do.

We may not be hauled to a makeshift trial on a dusty, brick-paved road, however, we’ll likely be scarred and bruised from the impact of our bump.

Even so, we can still be used for good. With Jesus by our side, we have the strength to do what God designed us to do.

Take that bump — that lesson — and let it be used for good.



Across the soccer field Wednesday night, the evening sun sank on the horizon creating pink, cotton candy-like clouds across the eastern sky. As I watched the fading light, I remembered another sunset — years ago and thousands of miles away — that took my breath away.

After a week-long meeting in San Diego, I was restless to leave the building and breathe in fresh air. Outside the hotel, a bike rental company caught my eye. I looked at a few routes and decided to take the 13-mile path to La Jolla. Drawing near to my destination, the route wove me through a neighborhood that had the Pacific Ocean as its backdrop.

I stopped to watch the sun melt into the dark water as residents walked out of their homes to do the same. Incredible hardly describes the scene.

What does sundown say to you? A closing chapter in your life? The end of a particular season?

This is my son Garrett’s senior year of high school. In a way, it is the end of a season for him. For all of us. But it also points to the excitement for what is in store for the future.

For me, sundown — the end of the day or the end of a season — brings about a new beginning and hope for tomorrow.

A new beginning

Jesus’ ministry on earth did just that. With His sacrifice, the old covenant God handed down through Moses became obsolete.

Living under the old covenant, the priests would enter the outer room of the sanctuary to carry on their ministry. But only the high priest could enter the inner room and that was only once a year. And he could not enter without a blood sacrifice for himself and the people.

But when Christ made the ultimate sacrifice, He entered the Most Holy place once and for all by his own blood, offering eternal redemption. (Read Hebrews chapter 9)

Christ entered heaven itself to appear for us in God’s presence. (Vs. 2:24)

But now he has appeared once for all at the end of the ages to do away with sin by the sacrifice of himself. (Vs. 9:26 NIV)

Christ’s end of His season on earth — he sacrificed himself to do away with sin —began His next when He sat down at the right hand of God. (Hebrews 10:12 NIV)

Hope for the future

Are you at the end of a season? Can you look beyond sundown in your life and see the hope that Christ brings through His sacrifice?

  • Hope for salvation. You can receive Christ’s gift today.
  • Hope for a brighter future. Hold on to the hope His promises bring.
  • Hope for peace. Trust His plan and receive peace.
  • Hope for another day of strength. Claim the power of the Holy Spirit in your life.

Hope believes in a better tomorrow.

Make the most of the season you’re in and when sundown comes, grab hold to a new beginning and rest in the hope you have in Christ.

What do you do with betrayal?

What do you do with betrayal?

The rooster crowed, and his heart sank. How could he do the very thing he said he would never do? He had vowed he would lay down his life for Jesus. On that fateful evening, Peter denied he knew Him.

Lord of the second chance

What did Jesus do? Scripture never says He brought up Peter’s betrayal again. The Bible does say that Jesus gave him another chance to stand up for Him. He knew Peter’s heart and told him to feed his sheep. Jesus trusted Peter with those He loved.

Other Bible characters come to mind – Jonah, David, Samson to name a few. They all picked themselves back up and honored God with their lives.

Sometimes it’s hard to hand out second chances. But isn’t that what Jesus does for us? 

We may not think the “small” sins we commit hurt anyone else, but they usually do. As believers, going in the opposite direction from what God tells us to do betrays the one who loves us unconditionally.

If you don’t yet know Christ, salvation is that second chance from God.     

Seek forgiveness and receive peace

I know of someone who had an affair, destroying not only her own marriage but the other marriage in the relationship as well. Eight years later, she found Jesus. He forgave her and saved her, but He also prompted her to ask forgiveness from the other person impacted by her sin. That step of faith gave her the peace that comes from receiving forgiveness.

That’s what God does with betrayal. He forgives and allows a way for restoration and forgiveness. And He calls us to forgive and allow that person to earn our trust once more.

Has someone hurt you recently? Betrayed you?

Let’s learn from Jesus’ response to Peter. Forgive.
