Stand in the Gap

Stand in the Gap

Squeal with delight

“Is your mom ok?” My friend across the table alerted me to my mom’s condition. Sitting beside her, I looked and immediately caught her as she began to fall. Holding her up, my friend on the other side and I talked to her frantically to keep her conscious as we waited for an ambulance to arrive.

A woman from across the restaurant saw our distress and walked quietly over. “May I pray for her?” We welcomed her whispered interruption. She prayed and we prayed along.

Her exact words escape me, however, I won’t forget her calming presence. My mom slowly became more alert. Thank God. She doesn’t remember much from the experience, just the awareness of the EMT and us talking to her toward the end.

We didn’t know it at the time, but my mom’s blood pressure had dropped dangerously low due to an issue with her medicine. I thank the Lord for His protection and for sending a believer who demonstrated compassion and a willingness to stand in the gap while we waited.

Courage to step out

Today’s world often demonstrates the opposite of this compassion and sensitivity. Many would look on but not take the step to help. This visitor stepped out with courage — away from her own dining experience and priorities that day— to pray over a stranger.

Our encounter reminds me of the parable of the good Samaritan in Luke 10:25-37.

The Samaritan came upon a traveler left half dead on the road to Jericho. He lifted his battered and bruised body, bandaged his wounds, carried him to an inn and took care of his needs. Other people’s opinions mattered not. He answered the call to lend a hand and do what needed to be done.

Our fellow diner could not help us physically, but she gave what she could. She lifted my mom to the Father, her words comforting our souls.

I don’t know her — I’m sure I thanked her — but I hope she knows how much we appreciate her demonstration of love and care.

Is God calling you to stand in the gap for someone? Do you know somebody who needs comfort? A bandage? An encouraging word? Or a financial gift to help them get by?

Answer the call. Who knows what God will do through you?

“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.” (Matthew 25:35-36 NIV).


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Uncontainable Power and Love

Uncontainable Power and Love

My mom used to say that when we keep our eyes on others, we’ll always be disappointed. However, if we keep our eyes on Jesus, He will never fail us.

God convicted me on this over the last few days.

In reading a chapter in Jesus and Women by Kristi McLelland, I was reminded how important it is to focus my mind and heart on God.

“When we stare at our lives and glance at God, the troubles and problems in our lives can begin to look huge. If we’re not careful, our problems take up most of the space in our thoughts and consequently govern our hearts and emotions.

When we intentionally focus our minds and hearts on God, our troubles take on their proper perspective. God helps us to see them in light of His generous justice, His generous lifting up in our lives.”

Kristi McLelland, Session Six, Jesus and Women

Where is our focus?

The question is . . . is our focus on God or ourselves?

Many times, we try to fight our battles in our own way – instead of placing focus on Jesus and allowing Him to work.

When the King of Assyria’s field commander camped outside Jerusalem taunting the people of Judah, the people were silent (as they had been commanded by King Hezekiah). After Assyria’s attempts at manipulation, Hezekiah’s ambassadors came to him with torn clothes and the words from Assyria.

As soon as King Hezekiah heard it, he tore his clothes and covered himself with sackcloth and went into the House of the Lord. 2 Kings 19:1

I love that after Hezekiah hears the word from Assyria, he goes to God. He doesn’t respond to the enemy’s threat. His first stop in the middle of his despair is to go to the Lord.

Hezekiah received the letter from the hand of the messengers and read it: and Hezekiah went up to the house of the LORD and spread it before the LORD. And Hezekiah prayed before the LORD. 2 Kings 19: 14-15a (Read the full story in 2 Kings 19)

Praying for help

So what will we do

  • When we’re accused?
  • When we’re ridiculed?
  • When we’re tempted?
  • When we question whether the Lord is enough?

Will we lay it before the Lord and pray for help?

Let’s follow Hezekiah’s lead and go to God first. Let’s place our focus on who God is and His uncontainable power and love.


God completes what He starts

As I have thought on this, I also came across scripture that reminded me that he didn’t start something in me only to fail to finish it.

One of the most familiar verses in scripture, Philippians 1:6, reminds us that God completes what He starts. Jesus didn’t do all He’s done just to leave us alone. His love is beyond comprehension. His power is uncontainable.

God has a word for us. Set our eyes on Him. Place our focus on Him.

I like how bestselling author David Platt says it.

“Don’t lose heart. Don’t give up. Don’t doubt the passion and ability of God to fulfill the plans of God for you and for the world.  – David Platt


being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. Philippians 1:6




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Warrior Women

Warrior Women

As I prepared to move without a house to move to, I told my friend Elizabeth that it had taken an army of warriors praying on my behalf to get me through this season of uncertainty.

And that is what God has done. Some old friends. Some new. Some young. Some old. All have taken the time to lift me up to the Father. I thank God for warrior women who will take a moment out of their day to call, text, pray specifically for my decisions and that God would meet my needs.

And I know He will. I know the promises of the scriptures – God’s words spoken to all humankind who will listen and obey.

In the waiting

Ah, but the waiting, the anxiety and putting it into action is the hardest part.

I read a chapter from Mark Batterson’s book Chase the Lion that spoke to my heart. Are my dreams big enough? Do I have the kind of faith to dream and step out in faith? Or to wait in faith?

Am I strong enough to live and laugh on the gray days – these dark and unsettling days of waiting?  My wilderness.

God sees our hearts

As God encouraged Joshua when He commissioned him to lead the Israelites after Moses died, He is with me — with us. He helps us to be strong and courageous because He is with us.

We don’t walk alone. God already knew His people would rebel and turn away, but He still said he would not abandon them.

As my warrior friend reminded me, God sees our hearts. He still loves us no matter what. That is as true today as it was when Israel stepped across the Jordan into the promised land.

God meets our needs

I learned something new last week about God’s provision. Or at least I’d never thought about it.

God’s manna followed the Israelites into the promised land then stopped the day after they had access to the local food. Six days a week for 40 years, God provided manna for them. It arrived like clockwork, then ended the day it wasn’t needed any longer. Talk about God’s provision.

Do you need God’s provision today? Or do you need a warrior to pray on your behalf?

God is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. He is the breath of life. He is our timeless redeemer. He is forever faithful. He is the prince of peace, the Lamb of God, the Lion of Judah. He is Jesus Christ our Lord.

And He is completely capable of providing for our needs.
