Waiting Well

Fifty-four years ago this week, my dad suffered a debilitating accident that changed his life. I can only imagine what it must have been like for my mom during those touch-and-go days in the hospital. Well, some of that experience I know firsthand.
Then she endured six months of waiting as he recovered and learned a new way of mobility. Sometimes the waiting alone leaves us paralyzed and unable to function properly. But that waiting period can also serve to teach and guide us.
A plan to wait
God promised the shepherd David he would be Israel’s next king. God had a plan. But that plan required David to wait.
As a fugitive, David and his “band of brothers” camped out in a cave while King Saul and his army searched for them to kill him.
And one day Saul showed up in the very same cave David and his crew waited. They encouraged David to take Saul’s life, but he wouldn’t do it. He knew God’s plan for him to be king, however, he waited. And he trusted.
In Psalm 31:24, David pens these words.
“Be strong, and let your hearts take courage, all you who wait for the LORD!” (ESV)
I have been in a season of waiting. I have cried out to God to deliver me. And I waited, knowing that His plan is for my good but crying out all the same for answers.
The words from Psalm 27:14 grip my heart.
Wait for the LORD; be strong and let your heart take courage; wait for the LORD!
Are you in a season of waiting or just coming out of one? Or has God used your waiting to prepare you for what’s to come?
Let the words of this Psalm and others like it keep you and encourage you in your waiting.
The power to wait
What happened during David’s season of waiting? While he waited, he wrote psalms that still impact us and speak to us today. While he waited, God used that time to teach, minister and prepare him to lead Israel one day. While he didn’t know it then, God would eventually use the outpouring of his heart — and words spoken in agony — to help and heal people throughout history.
David waited well. We can, too, because of the power of the Lord Jesus Christ. He knows I struggle with this. And you may too. However, He knows and provides the power we need to wait. And we can trust God while we’re waiting on Him to act.