A year ago, I stepped out in faith to write and publish a book. Oh, I had written some before then, but it was intermittent at best.
But last November was a turning point for me. And what a journey it has been. I can’t even count the number of obstacles there have been to get to the point of releasing it.
The joy stealer
Even yesterday, I received news that set me back a bit. As I sat with my head in my hands and tears threatening to overflow, I thought about the theme of my book Grief Unwrapped: Discovering Joy in a Season of Sorrow.
Joy. Would I let the enemy steal my joy? I thought for a second. No, I’m not going to let him steal my joy over this.
Because that is what he wants to do. Like David defeating Goliath, we need to come against Satan in the name of the Lord Almighty.
So, what will I do? I will stand firm in my faith. With Jesus by my side and His name on my lips, I will press on and accomplish the task. He is in control. May His name be exalted. May His name be praised.
A simple request
So with that, I am excited to say all three versions of the book will be available to the world this weekend. The paperback has already been published and is available. The Kindle and hardcover versions will be available Saturday, November 5th. If you would feel led to buy and read it, I would be grateful. If you’ve read it, I’d love to hear your thoughts about it.
Many people have asked how they can help. If you believe it will benefit others, you can help by
- Writing and posting a review on Amazon or goodreads
- Telling others about it, especially if you have found nuggets that have helped you
- Sharing it on your social networks
- Asking a library to buy it and make it available on their shelves
Thank you
Many have been alongside me as I have grieved. You’ve cried with me; you’ve laughed with me. You’ve met specific needs and you’ve encouraged me in countless ways.
And if I don’t know you personally, I pray that you have received these same blessings and that God has or will give you opportunities to be there for someone else in their grief journey.
I am living proof that God
- Still works
- Still cares
- Still speaks
I am proof that you can experience joy even through trials and loss because of faith in Jesus Christ. I can attest that you can find a deep connection with the God who knows you. My experience proves that your life can be fulfilling again.
You CAN discover joy in your season of sorrow.
When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought joy to my soul. Psalm 94:19 (NIV)