We witnessed the magnificent view from a distance. Experiencing it up close was quite a different story.
After viewing Whitewater Falls in North Carolina from a lookout point, my sons and I took a side trail to the top of the waterfall. Halfway there we stopped to read a sign warning us of the danger going forward.
Pressed for time, we almost turned back but decided to keep moving forward. The treacherous path failed to deter us. We made it to the main plateau, step by step, across mud and wet rocks, and even climbing down through a rock cave. Water danced around smaller rocks upstream, surging over the menacing rock cliff downstream.
We squinted to see the lookout point where we had first stopped.
An awe-inspiring sight
If we had turned back along the way, we would have missed the source of the falls. We would have missed the exhilaration of being that close, of seeing a view of awe and wonder, far better than the one from the manmade viewing deck.
As we hiked back to our car, I voiced my thoughts. “There’s got to be a lesson here.”
Words of wisdom flowed out of my 16-year-old. “It’s like going to church but not really knowing God.”
He was right. Like seeing God from a distance or maybe through someone else’s experience, but missing the overflowing love mercy and grace He offers us individually.
We can attend church weekly and only go through the motions. We can even be in God’s presence and not even know it.
We may sing the songs and hear the teaching, but until we know Him, we won’t experience the joy, the awe of being in the presence of a Holy God.
Think on this
“It cannot but be a major tragedy in the life of any man or woman to live in a church from childhood to old age and know nothing more real than some synthetic god compounded of theology and logic, but having no eyes to see, no ears to hear, and no heart to love!” — A. W. Tozer, American Christian pastor, author, magazine editor and spiritual mentor.
We can experience Him though. The Creator of the universe wants to connect with His creation.
As believers, we have access to God the Spirit. He dwells in all believers, going where we go. He sealed us and promised to stay with us always. Why would we choose not to worship Him as the preeminent giver of life?
Being in church is one thing. Being close to God is quite a different experience.
May we no longer be satisfied to know about God. No longer satisfied to watch someone else’s God story. Let’s move beyond seeing God from a distance and find Him in a living, personal experience.
The Lord is full of awe and wonder. Our lives may be messy along the way, but when we know Jesus, we will experience the powerful, transformative and joy-inspiring presence of God.
“When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him?,” (Psalm 8:3-4 ESV).
Don’t know Jesus? You can.
It would be my greatest honor to take your hand, introduce you and walk you through how to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, and how to have a personal relationship with Him.
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