After a stressful and disappointing week, I continued packing up the house we built and lived in for the past 12 years. I had so many questions for God. In my head, I had created a hundred solutions to how he could work things out for me that would give me the answer I wanted. Instead, I got a closed door.
Yesterday, while going through pieces of paper art created by my boys – loosely stacked on top of boxes in the attic because they were too big for a box – I ran across this framed scripture.
Cast all your cares on him for he cares about you. 1 Peter 5:7
Randomly stuck in between all those papers, I have no idea how that frame got there. (Confession: I keep everything, which is going to make this packing process even harder.)
Anyway, God used it to speak directly to my heart. It appeared at exactly the time I needed it. 🙂
The greatest message ever told
What has God done for you lately? Have you stumbled across a message from Him that spoke to your heart? This Easter, be reminded of the greatest story ever told. It’s not the words spoken so much as its message through action.
I can imagine how Jesus’ followers felt when he hung on the cross for them. They likely didn’t understand it all at the time, but His sacrifice came at exactly the time humanity needed it. The exact time appointed by God.
He died a cruel and brutal death, and that seemed to be the end.
But He arose! Because of Jesus’ resurrection three days later, we celebrate Easter – a new beginning. Jesus took our sin upon Himself and gave us hope. His triumph that day was for our gain.
Death to Life
He came to the earth, did what he said he would do, and then paved the way for us to live with him in eternity. He absorbed our punishment – the punishment we deserve — on the cross that day. He gave us what we could never earn on our own.
His death was a gift of new life for anyone who will accept it.
I cannot get the lyrics to the song Miracle Power by We The Kingdom out of my head.
I may not know what a day may bring but I know who brings the day.
That is the hope we have in Jesus. We can give him our burdens. We may not know what’s coming, but when we know Him as our personal Lord and Savior, we can have hope. After all, He owns the day.
Because of His ultimate sacrifice, we can trust that He is big enough, strong enough, and cares enough to handle our burdens.
This morning, I asked the Lord to let me hear from him today. As I was finishing my quiet time, I happened to look at the scripture reference at the bottom of my devotional. The words stunned and amazed me.
Give your burdens to the LORD, and He will take care of you. Psalm 55.22 (NLT)