Squeal with Delight

Squeal with Delight

Squeal with delight

I love the picture my friend Sarah paints with this devotion. I share it with you in hopes you will find joy like the delight a child finds on the playground.


Delighting. Committing. Being still. Lent is such a special time. It gives us time to focus our hearts and minds on God. In Psalm 37, David talks about taking delight in the Lord and giving everything we do to Him.

When I think of genuine delight, I think of children playing outside squealing and running. You can tell they are truly happy and joyful. I think this is how we are called to worship — with delight! How often do we find ourselves feeling like a kid again, running on the playground in worship? True delight is not something we experience every day. We have to fully commit everything that we do to the Lord.

Delight in the Lord is a daily choice we make. Wake up. Give your day to Him. Those decisions you make, give those to Him. Give it all to Him. For those of us who like to be in control, let go and give it to Him.

Don’t let being busy get in the way. Everyone you talk to is busy, with family, with kids, with activities of all kinds. They are busy with work. They are busy with the community. Everyone is busy. It’s almost like if you aren’t busy, you aren’t doing life right.

The busyness of life and our choices to only walk with God when it’s convenient interfere with our ability to delight in the Lord. During this Lenten season, let’s slow down and focus our hearts. Be still. Choose to commit yourself to the Lord.

Don’t worry about the wicked or envy those who do wrong. For like grass, they soon fade away. Like spring flowers, they soon wither. Trust in the Lord and do good. Then you will live safely in the land and prosper. Take delight in the Lord and he will give you your heart’s desires. Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust in him, and he will help you,” (Psalm 37 NLT).


Don’t know Jesus? You can.

It would be my greatest honor to take your hand, introduce you and walk you through how to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, and how to have a personal relationship with Him.

Find out more here.


Paving the Way to Bigger and Better

Paving the Way to Bigger and Better


Our dog escaped from the backyard last week. I was moving leaf bags to the front so they could be picked up. With that opening in the gate, he bolted past me.


I chased him for 40 minutes until my son and a helpful neighbor backed him into a corner. I was concerned he would either attack another neighbor’s chickens or get hit by a speeding car. No matter how many times (and there were many) I called his name and said the magic word “here,” he only darted the other way.


He ran across the street and back multiple times, into neighbors’ yards and then just simply ran 30mph down the street.


That experience was not supposed to be a part of my day.


He was once trained, but little by little, he began to ignore the rules. I, of course, was only trying to protect the guy from harm. What he doesn’t understand is that small acts of obedience pave the way to bigger and better things.


Acts of obedience

Two thousand years ago, a group of shepherds acted on the guidance of an angel of the Lord. They were rewarded big for it. In a surreal display of magnificence, the angel announced the Savior of the World’s birth and told them how to find Him. They could have marveled at the spectacle before them and praised God for the angels’ appearance. They could have reminisced about that experience the rest of their lives.


But they didn’t stay. Following the angel’s instructions, they left their flocks and went seeking the Christ Child.


The shepherds heard. They obeyed. They expected to see great things.


They definitely saw bigger and better. Because they obeyed, they were likely the first to see the Savior of the World. Because they obeyed, they couldn’t keep this great news to themselves. Scripture goes on to say they shared with the others what the angels had revealed about Jesus.


The greatest news ever known

My friend, we have been given the greatest news ever known to man. Jesus Christ came to earth in the form of a baby. God with human skin. But let’s not miss the second part of this greatest news. Jesus came so he could make the ultimate sacrifice to save the world.


Most of us have heard this good news. How have we responded? Are we full of wonder at what was done for us? Do we enjoy God’s blessing of people, experiences and things we’ve been gifted, only to go back to our daily routine?


Or do we respond and obey? Like the shepherds, do we share the good news? Do we go to where the Holy Spirit leads us? For me, I have found that I need to be obedient to what God already has said before He reveals something new. I believe that one step of obedience at a time opens the door for God to speak more.


Step by step

I think we can learn from the shepherds.

  • They stopped what they were doing, obeyed and went to see Jesus.
  • They returned to their fields glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen.

Today, we too can act upon the word of God.

  • Stop what we’re doing and recognize the splendor of that event 2000 years ago. Keep the awe and reverence of that moment in our hearts and minds and glorify Him.
  • Recognize the gifts He gives us every day.
  • Follow in obedience — one simple step at a time.

When we obey and seek Jesus, we can’t help but return glorifying and praising Him.

And the shepherds returned glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen, as it had been told them. Luke 2:20 (ESV)


Don’t know Jesus? You can.

It would be my greatest honor to take your hand, introduce you and walk you through how to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, and how to have a personal relationship with Him.

Find out more here.




My 91-year-old dad took off on his scooter to the local grocery store about half a mile from their house. Take a mental picture of this and let yourself smile.

Why? Because he needed some medicine for dizziness that wasn’t available the day before and mom wasn’t there at the time.

So . . . a man who can barely see battling dizziness rode his scooter beside a busy street to get to the remedy he needed. It’s a wonder he made it there at all! It had to have simply been God’s protection. He’s been known to run off the curb before getting to the end of the ramp!

But he was on a mission and determined to get the needed meds.

On a mission

Think for a moment of the story written 2000 years ago where a woman risked everything to seek healing from Jesus. When she heard Jesus was nearby, she tore through the crowds — on a mission — to get healing from the bleeding she’d suffered from for 12 years! She had spent all she had on physicians but not one was able to help her. She only touched the fringe of Jesus’ garment and was instantly healed. Luke 8:43-48

Surely there were many types of people in the crowd that day. With determination, she ran past the onlookers – those who were just there to observe. She ran past those with casual curiosity, as well as those looking to find fault.

But not this woman. She was there for a life change. And that’s what she got. The moment she touched the hem of Jesus’ clothing, she felt His power heal and change her. And He felt that same power leave Him.

A driving force

I want to be that driven to get to Jesus.

The woman plunged into the crowd, found Him, touched His hem and received the blessing — the healing — she sought.

Do we really seek Him? He is not hiding. He’s right here with us, waiting for us. He wants to bless us and He wants us to know how much He loves us.

I gently told my dad, “Now you can’t be riding down to the store like that. It’s not safe,” to which he responded he wouldn’t do it again. But with a look of mischief on his face, he continued . . .  “unless I need something.”

Let’s be driven to get to Jesus. Let’s stay focused as we run past the many distractions that demand our attention and steer us astray.

Seek Him. Know Him. Be changed by Him.

You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:13 (NIV)


Don’t know Jesus? You can.

It would be my greatest honor to take your hand, introduce you and walk you through how to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, and how to have a personal relationship with Him.

Find out more here.


Do You Need a Sign?

Do You Need a Sign?

The signs are all around us. Signs of celebration. Signs telling us to be merry and have cheer. Signs leading us to the “can’t live without it” gift.

Tis the season of joy, right?

I have already heard people talking about the busyness and craziness of the holiday shopping season. It’s hard not to. I feel the pressure to do more, seek the perfect gift and get things checked off my Christmas to-do list.

But when it’s all said and done, it’s not the gift that we remember. In fact, I can’t name one thing I got for Christmas last year (except for an ornament my son painted of the cover of my book . . . which I recently hung on the tree).

Moments of joy

However, I find joy in the people and the moments we share.

I remember laughing around the table on Christmas day. I love being with friends and family at our annual Christmas party. I cherish Christmas traditions, especially Christmas Eve with my cousins and their families.

I even still chuckle about a huge inflatable Santa I bought for our boys that first Christmas after my husband passed away . . . and all the comments of support that post brought about. (We finally “retired” Santa this year.)

I believe that when we put all the “stuff” and activity aside, when we still our hearts and seek Christ, joy awaits us.

In fact, the Lord pursues us. He wants us to know Him and find delight in Him.

“God is trying to call us back to that for which He created us – to worship Him and enjoy Him forever.” A. W. Tozer

King Hezekiah of the Old Testament did this. Scripture even compares him to King David in doing what was right in the eyes of the Lord. He sought the Lord and turned Judah back to God. (2 Kings 18:3, 2 Chronicles 31:20-21)

After he re-installed the sacrificial system and festivals like the Passover, scripture tells us both Israel and Judah celebrated as one. Their hearts were in it and there was great joy in Jerusalem.

Why? Because they were seeking God.

Ultimate joy

I spoke with my friend Teresa shortly before her father’s funeral this week. He was a man who sought the Lord. Her eyes lit up as she told me about her daddy’s last breath on earth. At that moment, a look of pure joy flashed across his face. I can only imagine how it must have impacted her.

Thinking about it still leaves me in awe. Mere words cannot come close to capturing what she witnessed.

One day those who know Jesus will also experience unspeakable joy when we see Him face to face. But I’m thankful we can also experience joy right now.

So when you hear holiday greetings, when you see signs reminding you of the Christmas season, let those prompt you — not to do more — but to seek Him more.

No greater joy

Hezekiah sought the Lord. Shepherds and wise men searched for Jesus. Teresa’s dad trusted in Jesus. Let us also seek Him and find joy this Christmas season.

He is no longer a baby in a manger.

No longer the messiah on a cross.

He is our risen Savior, our Redeemer and our King.

There is no greater joy than that.


“Where is he who has been born king of the Jews? For we saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.”  Matthew 2:2 (ESV)



Don’t know Jesus? You can.

It would be my greatest honor to take your hand, introduce you and walk you through how to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, and how to have a personal relationship with Him.

Find out more here.

Rush of Emotion

Rush of Emotion

As I sat waiting for the start of my son’s college basketball game, where he is a manager for the team, unwelcome tears sprang to my eyes.

Nothing had happened that day to prompt this emotional outbreak. As I sat in the stadium alone, a rush of emotions took over.

I thought about how my late husband would have been so proud of the young man our son had become. And then my mind traveled back to all the events, decisions and milestones he had missed with us.

In the noise of the game’s beginning activities, I sat missing him.

Even after many years, grief can surface without a moment’s notice. And especially around the holiday season.

Have you experienced this uninvited emotion? How are we to maneuver through it?

Two things come to mind. 1) Find things to be grateful for and 2) Focus on Jesus, who is always by our side.


Be grateful

In big things or in small, remember the people, the events, and the circumstances that have blessed and encouraged you. Remember your loved ones in Heaven and reflect on what they meant to you while they were here on earth. Journaling your thoughts can be a source of comfort and give perspective.

The Bible has much to say about gratitude. Here are just a few verses pointing us to praise and thanksgiving.

Giving thanks takes the focus off us and gives us room to focus on Jesus.


Focus on Jesus

  • In our sadness,
  • In our heartaches,
  • In our battles,
  • In our restlessness,
  • In our moments of decision,
  • In our skepticism and suspicion,
  • In our moments of disobedience, and
  • When we are faithful and when we’re not,

Our sovereign Lord is there.


Surrounded by God’s presence

No one physically sat beside me at that game. In fact, the crowd was sparse the day before a holiday. The emotional moment of sadness passed. I don’t know why they pop up like they do, but one thing I know.

My God’s presence surrounds me no matter where I am or what happens in my day, in my week or in my life. We can place confidence and assurance in God who is near.

How have you seen God in a particular season in your life, and felt His presence? Share it with someone today. Your experience might encourage someone else and be just the thing to get them through their day.

You made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures in your right hand. Psalm 16:11



Don’t know Jesus? You can.

It would be my greatest honor to take your hand, introduce you and walk you through how to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, and how to have a personal relationship with Him.

Find out more here.


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